Six Fast and Proven Retail Selling Techniques for the Holidays

With the holiday season fast approaching, you and your team members will want to make sure you are maximizing your earnings opportunities while helping your customers complete their shopping more quickly and with less stress.  Here are six retail sales techniques you can use to help you accomplish these goals: 


Tip # 1: Ask the Question “Who Else is On Your List?” – Everyone needs to shop for multiple people and they hate the hassle of running from store-to-store or searching the web.  If you can suggest an item that saves them time and hassle they will reward you!

Tip # 2: Have Impulse Items Near the Counter – Many customers have to purchase low-cost items for their postal worker, paper carrier, or other service provider.  In many cases they also want to be “fair” by spending the same amount of money on their children.  Low cost impulse items of $5, $10, and $20 solve these needs!

Tip # 3: Offer Complete Solutions – Nothing is worse than receiving a toy that needs batteries and  – you’ve got it – not having the batteries.  The same goes with other products as well (shoes/socks, printers/paper, beds/pillows).  Solve this problem by adding on things that make the product work, make the product work better, or protect the product in the long term.  You might even want to consider creating product bundles!

Tip # 4: Use the “Pretty Picture” Technique – Your customers like to give gifts because it makes them feel good about themselves and helping others.  Reinforce this feeling by saying something like “Can’t you just imagine the look on your daughter’s face when she opens this gift?”

Tip # 5: Use the “S.W.A.T.” method – You are guaranteed to sell out of some items.  Instead of worrying about what you don’t have, just “Sell What’s Available Today.”  All of your products are great and desireable…afterall you wouldn’t stock them if they weren’t!

Tip #6: Sell to the Shopper – Did you know that 15% of all “gift” purchases are actually purchased by the shopper for themselves?  Give your top-line a boost by asking your customer if they wouldn’t like to get involved with something for themselves as well!