Grant Money Available for Women Entrepreneurs
As a woman, have you been thinking about opening your own company or growing the one that you are already running?
If so you are not alone. In a poll conducted by Harris Interactive for Yahoo nearly 57% of women had considered starting their own companies. As mothers we know why this can work so well. It affords us flexibility in our schedules as well as the potential to contribute to our familys bank account.
Yet as mothers we also know the obstacles, and one of these includes access to funds. I know in our family I always feel a little strange about taking money from my familys bank account for my business. While I had to do this at the outset, I tried to limit it as much as possible.
So if you are a mother considering opening a company or one who has already started a business but needs some cash to grow, check out Yahoos and Carolyn Kepchers grant program. Three recipients will receive $25,000 each-who knows, this could be you!