outdoor Marketing | one 2 one marketing consultant Bhuleshwar

A Selling Attitude

Good selling , outdoor Marketing &one 2 one marketing requires that you understand the product well and work to appreciate the customer’s requirement. But before and beyond all that, the secret of a good salesperson is about what goes on inside their head.

Above all, selling is an attitude. It’s how you think and feel. It’s about your whole approach to yourself, your company, your products and, of course, your customers. All of this can be condensed to three words: Confidence, pride and care.

The basis of all successful selling is confidence. This does not mean blind hope — it is more about how you think about yourself and the future.

A confident person believes in themself and their abilities to sell. In order to create trust, the first thing that you sell is yourself. Whilst self-belief does not guarantee a sale, it always increases the probability of success.

If you go into a selling situation and you do not even believe in yourself, then you are doomed to failure. If you do not believe in yourself then the customer will not believe in you either, nor will they believe what you say. Your doubt will become their doubt and doubt does not lead to the sale.

Informed optimism
Blind belief is not always a good thing. Being positive because you have studied the product and the customer is greater reason to be confident. Belief and optimism provide powerful support but they do not replace factual knowledge.

If you are ready to sell, with good information at your fingertips, them you have good reason to be optimistic. Even if you do not have complete information (and who does), a tendency to optimism also helps create a positive attitude.

Finally, self-belief and an optimistic approach lead to a ‘can-do’ attitude which means you will get out there and create the sale through your thoughts and actions. Belief is not enough: you’ve got to put in the work too.

There are two forms of pride. As one of the seven deadly sins, it can be a very selfish thing. But pride placed outside yourself is an important attitude that communicates and transmits itself to your customers.

Pride in the company
First, you should be proud to work at your company. Associating yourself with the brand and the brand values should make you feel good. You should be happy to tell others where you work.

Pride in the product
Secondly, you should be proud of what you are selling. Just thinking that you have the privilege of selling such a fine product should make you very happy indeed.

As with pride in the company, an intrinsic pride in the product is a powerful motivator, both for you and for your customer.

Finally, a selling attitude is a caring attitude. Rather than just dump products on customers, if you want them to ever come back again, you should care about them and their problems, and hence be proud of how your products will help.

Care for customers can include taking time out from the normal selling context to check up on them, that the product is working ok and that they are happy with it. It can even include sending them Christmas and birthday cards — to their partner too.

When others know that you care about them, personally, then they will be far more willing to trust you — and trust is the first doorway towards selling.


Sales & merchandising
Shopper  & Retail Marketing
Direct sales
Sales promotion
Consumer sales promotions

Trade sales promotions
Promotions team
Handbill distribution
Leaflet distribution
Flyer distribution
Database Marketing
Direct marketing

outdoor Marketing | one 2 one marketing consultant Bhuleshwar

Seasonal Marketing Opportunities

Preparing your business for the upcoming seasonal events outdoor Marketing, one 2 one marketing  ahead can be an exciting opportunity to connect with your audience, increase traffic and boost profits and revenue whether it’s Festival or Christmas. We have a few tips (and tricks) on how to plan your national holiday campaigns and apply them for your business through visual displays.

Tip #1: Make a statement Imagine you are creating a scene. The first step to creating your seasonal campaign is to identify the holiday and research your ideas accordingly. Think outside-of-the-box by brainstorming and using holiday keywords to build up your ideas and taking them to the next level. To avoid any generic ideas, you can combine your business services with the holiday of your choice for extra creativity. For example, if your store sells a certain product such as , you can create a humorous cardboard cutout of Santa wearing Christmas or a Santa mannequin as a prop and centralise your holiday decorations around that. It would draw attention to your store and therefore increase traffic for your business.

Tip #2: Consider the type of signage solutions and displays you want Banners and signages are the silent sales assistants that you’ll need for your store. They provide the quickest ways to inform your customers about your products, as well as giving them a glimpse on the offers and benefits of your store. They are great tools for any retail display and will go hand-in-hand with your seasonal campaign.

Tip #3: Choose the right colour schemes Colours make a world of difference when it comes to displays and the right colour schemes can either make or break your store presentation. Consider what certain colours remind you of that particular holiday and see if you can link your business brand colours together with that season. Try to aim for less than 3-4 colours in your palette with a primary colour as your main hero and a few complementary colours to balance it out so that your displays aren’t too overwhelming or contrasting.

Tip #4: Remember the importance of placement and positioning There is no point into creating a great holiday display if your customers are unable to find it. Have an idea of where your customers will see your displays and map out the direction you want them to follow by considering the placement and positioning of your props and decorations. If you have a storefront window, use mannequins, cardboard cutouts and props to create a scene. If your business is limited with space, consider displaying an interest piece at the front of your store to evoke curiosity and lure them inside with accompanying decorations.

Tip #5: Keep it fresh Recycling the same old displays every year can be a big no-no for your business. Bob Phibbs from Retail Doc advises that “when you go cheap, you stay another also-ran, bland and boring warehouse of goods in search of someone’s money. Make your decorated store fresh, make it fun and use more lights than you think you should.”

outdoor Marketing | one 2 one marketing consultant Bhuleshwar

Marketing idea an tips , info , case study




Advertising Law

Advertising / Marketing Laws

Basics and Planning


Advertising and promotions is bringing a service to the attention of potential and current customers. Advertising and promotions are best carried out by implementing an advertising and promotions plan. The goals of the plan should depend very much on the overall goals and strategies of the organization, and the results of the marketing analysis, including the positioning statement (these are described more in the topic of Marketing).

The plan usually includes what target markets you want to reach, what features and benefits you want to convey to them, how you will convey it to them (this is often called your advertising campaign), who is responsible to carry the various activities in the plan and how much money is budgeted for this effort. Successful advertising depends very much on knowing the preferred methods and styles of communications of each of the target markets that you want to reach with your ads. A media plan and calendar can be very useful, which specifies what advertising methods are used and when.

For each product or service, carefully consider:

  • What target markets are you trying to reach with your ads?
  • What would you like each target market to think and perceive about your products (this should be in terms of benefits to them, not you)? Realize that each target market might be different.
  • How can you get that target market to think and perceive that, that is, what message do you need to convey?
  • What communications media does that target market see or prefer the most? Consider TV, radio, newsletters, classifieds, displays/signs, posters, word of mouth, press releases, direct mail, special events, brochures, neighborhood newsletters, etc.
  • What media is most practical for you to use in terms of access and affordability for that target market (the amount spent on advertising is often based on the revenue expected from the product or service, that is, the sales forecast)? Use that preferred media to convey the message(s).
  • Who will communicate the messages in the most appropriate media to that target market.

You can often find out a lot about your customers preferences just by conducting some basic market research methods (see the topic Market Research). The following closely related links might be useful in preparation for your planning.
Basic Methods to Get Customer Feedback
Major Methods of Advertising and Promotion
Thought Leaders Then and Now — Ogilvy on Advertising
Advertising Campaign Strategy
Your Advertising Budget
Seven Steps to a Successful Promotional Campaign
5 Reasons Why You Must Advertise
The Social Graph
Understand your Buyers’ Behavior: The Key to Effective Promotion

Also consider
Basics of Marketing
Basics of Planning



Writing Your Ad

Before you write your ad, you should know what you want to say.
Positioning: Deciding and Conveying Your Unique Selling Position
Naming and Branding
Share Your Business Success
Four Steps to Make Ads More Effective
How to Use Humor in Advertising
The New Rules of Writing a Memorable Slogan

Also consider
Business Writing



Overview of Major Methods of Advertising and Promotion

Using Direct Mail

10 Tips for Writing Better Sales Letters
Great Marketing Tactic to Increase Your Conversion Rate
How Direct Mail Marketing Can Work For Your Small Business
Direct Mail Grows In Defiance Of Print Is Dead
2012 Response Rate Report

Mailing Lists

Building Email Marketing Lists — Are Business Cards Fair Game?
Creative ways to Grow Your Mailing List With No Money!

Email Marketing

Email Marketing (Wikipedia)
General Resources
Email Marketing Tips
Email Marketing Best Practices
Email Marketing Best Practices — Part 2 of 2
Newsletters That Work – Part 1 of 2
Newsletters That Work – Part 2 of 2
How to Write an ebook
Follow the Leader – Chris Brogan

Using Signs and Displays

Wikipedia — about Billboards
Billboard Advertising
Try Mobile Billboards

Using Classified Ads in Newspapers and Magazines

Four Steps To Writing a Great Classified Ad
Using Classified Ads To Maximize Your Web Marketing Efforts

Advertising on Radio and T.V.

Television Advertising Pros and Cons
Radio Advertising Articles

Online Advertising and Promotion

Your Marketing Message — Is it Timely?
Top Viral Ads of All Time
How to Make Your Online Ad Campaign Profitable
Mike Koenigs: Video Visionary
Free Online Stock Videos
Get More from Your Infographics

Social Networking (Online) for Marketing, Advertising and Promotions

Social networking involves a variety of online tools that can be used by people and organizations to quickly share a great deal of information at very little cost. Many people are now hearing of some of those tools, e.g., Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Youtube. Experts are asserting that social networking is a must for people and organizations wanting to share information with others — after all, that’s what marketing is all about! For more information, see
Social Networking (Online)

Measuring Results of Advertising

Ways to Evaluate Your Marketing Program
Do You Know the Results of Your Advertising?

Also consider
Evaluation of Marketing Activities (scan down to Evaluating Your Marketing Efforts)
Evaluation of Sales Performance


Principles of Marketing

Effective marketing techniques

Marketing communication Strategies and Planning

Promotion: Integrated Marketing Communication

Marketing Management and Strategic Planning

Marketing Strategy




Retail Management

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Small Business Management

Business Plan Development Guide

Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Human Resource Management

Introduction to Business

Principles of Management

one 2 one marketing consultant consultant

Direct Marketing operation consultant Bhuleshwar

On ground marketing enterprise consultant Bhuleshwar

outdoor Marketing consultant Bhuleshwar

Experiential marketing Services consultant Bhuleshwar 

shop marketing operation consultant Bhuleshwar

Feet On Street marketing consultant Bhuleshwar

Marketing activation Campaigns consultant Bhuleshwar

door2door marketing business consultant  Bhuleshwar

BTL marketing business consultant Bhuleshwar , Field marketing business consultant Bhuleshwar


one 2 one marketing | Marketing agencies Eksar Colony

A Selling Attitude

Good selling , one 2 one marketing &Marketing requires that you understand the product well and work to appreciate the customer’s requirement. But before and beyond all that, the secret of a good salesperson is about what goes on inside their head.

Above all, selling is an attitude. It’s how you think and feel. It’s about your whole approach to yourself, your company, your products and, of course, your customers. All of this can be condensed to three words: Confidence, pride and care.

The basis of all successful selling is confidence. This does not mean blind hope — it is more about how you think about yourself and the future.

A confident person believes in themself and their abilities to sell. In order to create trust, the first thing that you sell is yourself. Whilst self-belief does not guarantee a sale, it always increases the probability of success.

If you go into a selling situation and you do not even believe in yourself, then you are doomed to failure. If you do not believe in yourself then the customer will not believe in you either, nor will they believe what you say. Your doubt will become their doubt and doubt does not lead to the sale.

Informed optimism
Blind belief is not always a good thing. Being positive because you have studied the product and the customer is greater reason to be confident. Belief and optimism provide powerful support but they do not replace factual knowledge.

If you are ready to sell, with good information at your fingertips, them you have good reason to be optimistic. Even if you do not have complete information (and who does), a tendency to optimism also helps create a positive attitude.

Finally, self-belief and an optimistic approach lead to a ‘can-do’ attitude which means you will get out there and create the sale through your thoughts and actions. Belief is not enough: you’ve got to put in the work too.

There are two forms of pride. As one of the seven deadly sins, it can be a very selfish thing. But pride placed outside yourself is an important attitude that communicates and transmits itself to your customers.

Pride in the company
First, you should be proud to work at your company. Associating yourself with the brand and the brand values should make you feel good. You should be happy to tell others where you work.

Pride in the product
Secondly, you should be proud of what you are selling. Just thinking that you have the privilege of selling such a fine product should make you very happy indeed.

As with pride in the company, an intrinsic pride in the product is a powerful motivator, both for you and for your customer.

Finally, a selling attitude is a caring attitude. Rather than just dump products on customers, if you want them to ever come back again, you should care about them and their problems, and hence be proud of how your products will help.

Care for customers can include taking time out from the normal selling context to check up on them, that the product is working ok and that they are happy with it. It can even include sending them Christmas and birthday cards — to their partner too.

When others know that you care about them, personally, then they will be far more willing to trust you — and trust is the first doorway towards selling.


Sales & merchandising
Shopper  & Retail Marketing
Direct sales
Sales promotion
Consumer sales promotions

Trade sales promotions
Promotions team
Handbill distribution
Leaflet distribution
Flyer distribution
Database Marketing
Direct marketing

one 2 one marketing | Marketing agencies Eksar Colony

Seasonal Marketing Opportunities

Preparing your business for the upcoming seasonal events one 2 one marketing, Marketing  ahead can be an exciting opportunity to connect with your audience, increase traffic and boost profits and revenue whether it’s Festival or Christmas. We have a few tips (and tricks) on how to plan your national holiday campaigns and apply them for your business through visual displays.

Tip #1: Make a statement Imagine you are creating a scene. The first step to creating your seasonal campaign is to identify the holiday and research your ideas accordingly. Think outside-of-the-box by brainstorming and using holiday keywords to build up your ideas and taking them to the next level. To avoid any generic ideas, you can combine your business services with the holiday of your choice for extra creativity. For example, if your store sells a certain product such as , you can create a humorous cardboard cutout of Santa wearing Christmas or a Santa mannequin as a prop and centralise your holiday decorations around that. It would draw attention to your store and therefore increase traffic for your business.

Tip #2: Consider the type of signage solutions and displays you want Banners and signages are the silent sales assistants that you’ll need for your store. They provide the quickest ways to inform your customers about your products, as well as giving them a glimpse on the offers and benefits of your store. They are great tools for any retail display and will go hand-in-hand with your seasonal campaign.

Tip #3: Choose the right colour schemes Colours make a world of difference when it comes to displays and the right colour schemes can either make or break your store presentation. Consider what certain colours remind you of that particular holiday and see if you can link your business brand colours together with that season. Try to aim for less than 3-4 colours in your palette with a primary colour as your main hero and a few complementary colours to balance it out so that your displays aren’t too overwhelming or contrasting.

Tip #4: Remember the importance of placement and positioning There is no point into creating a great holiday display if your customers are unable to find it. Have an idea of where your customers will see your displays and map out the direction you want them to follow by considering the placement and positioning of your props and decorations. If you have a storefront window, use mannequins, cardboard cutouts and props to create a scene. If your business is limited with space, consider displaying an interest piece at the front of your store to evoke curiosity and lure them inside with accompanying decorations.

Tip #5: Keep it fresh Recycling the same old displays every year can be a big no-no for your business. Bob Phibbs from Retail Doc advises that “when you go cheap, you stay another also-ran, bland and boring warehouse of goods in search of someone’s money. Make your decorated store fresh, make it fun and use more lights than you think you should.”

one 2 one marketing | Marketing agencies Eksar Colony

Marketing idea an tips , info , case study


job search Services in pune

job search Services in pune

Profiling the Right People for Every Profession

Our Story

Since our humble beginnings in 2010, Fulcrum Resources has steadily grown from strength to strength in the pune recruitment arena.

Our expertise in providing Human Capital consultancy to our clients – universally sought after recruitment skills and headhunting expertise in just about any sector – has allowed Fulcrum to leave an imprint across various industries and build a reputation for competency and expertise in Pune.

What differentiates Fulcrum Resources from every other recruiter is our unwavering commitment to building relationships with our clients – understanding exactly what our clients are after, and allowing us to match their precise needs. We deliver human capital solutions that allow organisations and their employees to succeed.

Here at Fulcrum Resources, we pride ourselves on being a one-stop human capital solutions provider for your organisation. Our innovative and relationship-focused workforce solutions have been provided across a wide range of industries.


Fulcrum believes in people. We see a world of infinite possibilities arising from human relationships.
This makes it essential that the right person is placed in the right job – the core tenet behind what we’re trying to achieve here at Fulcrum, and to become the leading recruitment agency in pune.


At Fulcrum, we are all about long-lasting relationships – between an employer and their talent, and between you and us.


What we offer to our clients is a 360-degrees recruitment and human resource solution. We see Fulcrum as a one-stop agency helping businesses achieve their competitive edge, and becoming the preferred talent management and headhunting agency for organisations across Singapore and South-east Asia.



Fulcrum sets the bar high. Our stated mission is to deliver the most efficient and effective recruitment and HR solutions for each and every business we work with, cultivating long-term relationships and creating a healthy work environment by finding the perfect match between employment opportunities and our talents.

Profiling the Right People for Every Profession

Our Story

Since our humble beginnings in 2010, Fulcrum Resources has steadily grown from strength to strength in the pune recruitment arena.

Our expertise in providing Human Capital consultancy to our clients – universally sought after recruitment skills and headhunting expertise in just about any sector – has allowed Fulcrum to leave an imprint across various industries and build a reputation for competency and expertise in Pune.

What differentiates Fulcrum Resources from every other recruiter is our unwavering commitment to building relationships with our clients – understanding exactly what our clients are after, and allowing us to match their precise needs. We deliver human capital solutions that allow organisations and their employees to succeed.

Here at Fulcrum Resources, we pride ourselves on being a one-stop human capital solutions provider for your organisation. Our innovative and relationship-focused workforce solutions have been provided across a wide range of industries.


Fulcrum believes in people. We see a world of infinite possibilities arising from human relationships.
This makes it essential that the right person is placed in the right job – the core tenet behind what we’re trying to achieve here at Fulcrum, and to become the leading recruitment agency in pune.


At Fulcrum, we are all about long-lasting relationships – between an employer and their talent, and between you and us.


What we offer to our clients is a 360-degrees recruitment and human resource solution. We see Fulcrum as a one-stop agency helping businesses achieve their competitive edge, and becoming the preferred talent management and headhunting agency for organisations across Singapore and South-east Asia.



Fulcrum sets the bar high. Our stated mission is to deliver the most efficient and effective recruitment and HR solutions for each and every business we work with, cultivating long-term relationships and creating a healthy work environment by finding the perfect match between employment opportunities and our talents.

Profiling the Right People for Every Profession

Our Story

Since our humble beginnings in 2010, Fulcrum Resources has steadily grown from strength to strength in the pune recruitment arena.

Our expertise in providing Human Capital consultancy to our clients – universally sought after recruitment skills and headhunting expertise in just about any sector – has allowed Fulcrum to leave an imprint across various industries and build a reputation for competency and expertise in Pune.

What differentiates Fulcrum Resources from every other recruiter is our unwavering commitment to building relationships with our clients – understanding exactly what our clients are after, and allowing us to match their precise needs. We deliver human capital solutions that allow organisations and their employees to succeed.

Here at Fulcrum Resources, we pride ourselves on being a one-stop human capital solutions provider for your organisation. Our innovative and relationship-focused workforce solutions have been provided across a wide range of industries.


Fulcrum believes in people. We see a world of infinite possibilities arising from human relationships.
This makes it essential that the right person is placed in the right job – the core tenet behind what we’re trying to achieve here at Fulcrum, and to become the leading recruitment agency in pune.


At Fulcrum, we are all about long-lasting relationships – between an employer and their talent, and between you and us.


What we offer to our clients is a 360-degrees recruitment and human resource solution. We see Fulcrum as a one-stop agency helping businesses achieve their competitive edge, and becoming the preferred talent management and headhunting agency for organisations across Singapore and South-east Asia.



Fulcrum sets the bar high. Our stated mission is to deliver the most efficient and effective recruitment and HR solutions for each and every business we work with, cultivating long-term relationships and creating a healthy work environment by finding the perfect match between employment opportunities and our talents.

Every core business is different. Fulcrum Resources are completely customised to address your company’s specific HR requirements. Our track record speaks for itself – and our HR and recruiting solutions have been applied to a wide range of clients across the following industries:

Fulcrum Resources has a wide sphere of clients within the automotive industry spanning automobile companies, automotive component manufacturers , and electronics management systems businesses. Our specialist consultants are veterans in the automotive recruitment,


Principles of Marketing

Effective marketing techniques

Marketing communication Strategies and Planning

Promotion: Integrated Marketing Communication

Marketing Management and Strategic Planning

Marketing Strategy




Retail Management

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Small Business Management

Business Plan Development Guide

Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Human Resource Management

Introduction to Business

Principles of Management

Marketing agencies agencies

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Product marketing Activity agencies Eksar Colony

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Experiential Marketing business agencies Eksar Colony , Fieldwork marketing business agencies Eksar Colony


housing society Marketing Job | shop To shop marketing ideas Malabar Hill

We inspire the people who power your business.

No matter who you are and what you sell, the success of your business relies on your ability to engage with two critically important groups – the people who buy from you and the people who work for you. At Fulcrum, we create truly personalised incentive programmes that have the power to energize your business. Each Fulcrum initiative is designed around the specific interests and aspirations of your customers and your people. We engage and inspire the people that matter – the people who power your business.

Our Values
Client- centricity and the provision of quality service are key values. Providing a developmental and supportive marketing environment for our staff and recognising the importance of our suppliers are integral to our business ethic. Openness, honesty, transparency and a commitment to our community underpin everything we do.

Our Team
The heart and soul of what has made us so successful is our staff. It is their passion, commitment to quality and positive, can-do attitude that delivers outstanding performance to our clients and reinforces our reputation for service excellence.
From selection & recruitment through to training & development, we continually invest in our staff to ensure we have the right people, with the right skills to make sure that the job gets done right, first time.

Fulcrum has always aimed to be quality leaders in our industry. An impressive array of accreditations, for Quality, Environment, Security and Staff development are simply the kite-marks that demonstrate our core values in this respect.

Fulcrum Agencies
Over the years we have worked with agencies of all sizes and styles. We understand the hectic world of marketing and advertising and we have developed services specifically designed to adapt to short lead-times, changing needs, last minute requests and the occasional ‘sprint finish’.

With a long-history of providing services to retailers, whether major chains or small specialist outlets, it was a very easy step for us to adapt that to the on-line world. These days we can handle high-volume fulfilment for direct-to consumer on-line web-orders as we can easily provide retail replenishment and store refurbishment.

8 Habits Become Successful Young Entrepreneur

Are your walls adorned with the images of Richard Branson, Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg? Do you find yourself constantly dreaming about running a small business? Do you love discussing ideas and coming up with something new? Then it wouldn’t be wrong to say that you want to be an entrepreneur and start your own business some day. To fulfill that dream at a young age, it is important to develop entrepreneur skills early.

Here are 8 tips for young entrepreneurs that will help in developing important entrepreneurial skills that will help you navigate through the business world.

Be Open to New Experiences

Nobody achieves anything great by sticking in their comfort zone. As an aspiring entrepreneur, it is important to stretch beyond your comfort zone and keep your mind open to new ideas. Make a habit of seeking new experiences as it will expose you to things, people and ideas that will help you grow as a person.

Dare to Take Risks

One common trait amongst successful entrepreneurs is that they are not afraid of taking risks. They understand that calculated risks often lead to success. Make a move from being an aspiring entrepreneur to actually launching a business will require some calculated leaps. You can’t step into the business world just by dreaming and wishing about it.

Never Stop Learning

The most successful entrepreneurs are those who never stop reading and learning. They never consider themselves as the smartest people in the room and are constantly seeking ways to learn new things and surround themselves with people who are smarter. The more you keep your mind open to learning new things, the more skills you will develop and that will help you develop key entrepreneurial skills such as being a leader, a visionary, and a salesman.

Be Consistent

Young entrepreneurs should understand the importance of being consistent. Running a business is unpredictable, challenging and unlike the regular 9-to-5 job. You have to make a schedule and stick to it. Don’t just become a success overnight, you must create a plan for success. Follow your schedules, create goals and consistently perform the tasks that are required to execute your plan.

Remember that being consistent is not just limited to your professional life. You have to be consistent in your personal life too. If you have chores and homework for school you need to make sure that you get those things done, so that you can work on your business idea.  Do what you have to do, so that you can do what you want to do.

Be Self Motivated

How many times have you heard companies seeking to hire people who are self-starters. This is just a fancy word for those who don’t need constant supervision. If you approach each day enthusiastic about starting your tasks and can stay motivated enough to see through them, you will be a success. You can’t run a business if you lack the drive to do the work or tackle problems. Your leadership skills must guide your business. One day when you have employees they will look to you as the example. It is important to develop this habit while you are young, do not wait to be asked to do your homework or take your dishes off the table. Making it a habit to ask how you can help.  Self-motivated leaders, make the best entrepreneurs.

Be Aware of your Strengths and Weaknesses

If you don’t know your strengths, you can’t take advantage of them and when you aren’t’t aware of your weaknesses, you won’t make an effort to overcome them.  Overlooking either can hindering your progress in like and in business. Successful entrepreneurs know their strengths and weaknesses, and they keep honing their weaknesses and they hire people who are strong where they are weak. They leverage their strengths too, but that is much easier.

Learn to be Emotionally Intelligent

Customer complaints are common in any business, but how you react to it will make the difference in retaining customers or losing them. At the same time, entrepreneurs face a lot of criticism and rejection in various forms, especially in the early years of a business. As an aspiring business owner, you must be emotionally intelligent to learn from every situation without getting dejected, loosing confidence or destroying a relationship. Learn to develop a thick skin and tackle rejection in a calm and reflective manner. Look at criticism as honest feedback which is a gift and an opportunity to improve your skills and move on.




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out of home marketing Companies | one to one marketing Staff in pune

Fulcrum Marketing Services in Pune are the catalyst to bringing your advertising vision to life. While many ideas start in a boardroom, you need experienced marketers on the ground who are able to conceptualize, plan and execute a well thought-out marketing campaign in the field.

we supply the experience, connections, relationships, and knowledge needed to maximize the potential return on investment for each of our clients as well as help identify and pursue select market opportunities as they come available, out of home marketing Companies | one to one marketing Staff in pune. Our local insight allows us to create exceptional investment potential for our partners and clients and enhanced living experience for our residents.


We define and position apartment homes for success. We are passionate about the residential experience and the qualitative and quantitative points that drive us to make strategic decisions that inform what a home should be — specific to its marketplace.

Results are realized through both the speed of lease-ups and financial performance of the on-going stabilized investment.

We crunch the numbers, ask the questions, assess current trends and forecast future trends with detailed, up-to-date research to understand our markets; Ensuring our clients have the right data points to make the best decisions going forward.

What’s the experience living here? What’s the story and name of this place? Our experience and insight allows us to identify and position each project’s distinctive offerings as its market niche. We provide an understanding that goes deeper than looking at trends. We create sought-after, thoughtfully executed apartment communities that are compatible with their surrounding neighborhoods.

Overall success relies on a thoughtful marketing strategy. In a constantly changing environment, we develop and implement each marketing initiative specific to your audience and budget. Reaching consumers in a way that educates and informs; ultimately creating product desirability and excellent rates of return.



Are You Marketing to Demographics or Interests

Interests allow you to target your true audience


Defining your audience by physical characteristics means that you’re telling everyone outside of those traits that they shouldn’t be interested in what you have to offer.This is a mistake marketing has been making for years. Think of the gaming industry, for example. When video games first became popular in the 1970’s, it was all about trying to make the same game seem appealing to adults and kids. But later, when the industry started to flail, companies consolidated all their marketing budget into a large single demographic, to maximize sales and effort. The demographic they chose? MalesWith marketing like that, it’s hard for women to feel like welcome customers. Such segmentation has even caused consternation for their target market – according to the “bros” you had to choose between gaming and spending time with a special female. Not very healthy, is it?


The times, they are a changing


This is only starting to be corrected recently – with stats coming out that women are increasingly showing their gaming side. Despite being discouraged.While the gaming industry is huge now, from consoles to PC gaming and mobile, I believe only mobile gaming has taken a true “interests targeting” approach. Games are marketed to people based on game type (mostly), allowing everyone and their pets to play.One could also say that consoles have taken a step in the right direction by acknowledging that such segmentation is slowing growth for them. Instead, they now focus on how they can meet the needs, and ignite the interest, of a whole household. These days, a console is not just for playing games, but can form the heart of an entertainment system – bringing people together, rather than segregating them by superficial demographics.


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home to home marketing agencies | rural marketing ideas in pune

Fulcrum Marketing Services in Pune are the catalyst to bringing your advertising vision to life. While many ideas start in a boardroom, you need experienced marketers on the ground who are able to conceptualize, plan and execute a well thought-out marketing campaign in the field.

we supply the experience, connections, relationships, and knowledge needed to maximize the potential return on investment for each of our clients as well as help identify and pursue select market opportunities as they come available, home to home marketing agencies | rural marketing ideas in pune. Our local insight allows us to create exceptional investment potential for our partners and clients and enhanced living experience for our residents.


We define and position apartment homes for success. We are passionate about the residential experience and the qualitative and quantitative points that drive us to make strategic decisions that inform what a home should be — specific to its marketplace.

Results are realized through both the speed of lease-ups and financial performance of the on-going stabilized investment.

We crunch the numbers, ask the questions, assess current trends and forecast future trends with detailed, up-to-date research to understand our markets; Ensuring our clients have the right data points to make the best decisions going forward.

What’s the experience living here? What’s the story and name of this place? Our experience and insight allows us to identify and position each project’s distinctive offerings as its market niche. We provide an understanding that goes deeper than looking at trends. We create sought-after, thoughtfully executed apartment communities that are compatible with their surrounding neighborhoods.

Overall success relies on a thoughtful marketing strategy. In a constantly changing environment, we develop and implement each marketing initiative specific to your audience and budget. Reaching consumers in a way that educates and informs; ultimately creating product desirability and excellent rates of return.



Brand Design Start-Up Businesses

What Is Brand Design?

Many people think that Brand Design is just about designing a logo and marketing materials. That’s a part of it, but not the whole story. Brand Design means that you first create the Brand of your company: the story that you want to tell about your company.Then, you design your graphics and the visuals for your company to tell your company’s story to your best potential clients.

Why Do Start-up Businesses Need to Design a Brand?

A brand helps your business look established, stable and successful and it helps you look more trustworthy, like you’re a “real” business and like your business will be there for your clients when they need you.  A Professional brand helps start-up businesses overcome three of the most common sales objections you’ll hear:

Objection 1: That you haven’t been in business long enough to be trusted.

Objection 2: That your start-up business might “go under” at any moment, leaving the client without a solution – and out their deposit.

Objection 3: That you might not have the experience to complete the project successfully.

What Else Can a Brand Do?

A brand contributes to your business’s visibility, credibility and memorability.  Visibility: You want your brand to be visible in the marketplace with a recognizable brand design that appears on all of your business materials. Credibility: Having a consistent brand makes your business look more believable. Your customers will be more likely to trust your claims and to trust your company with their business. Brand Design helps your company be more memorable – which means that it’s more likely that people will call you when they need your services. Memorability: 40% of people are better at remembering what they see (graphics) than what they hear or read. When you combine graphics with text or audio recordings, that 40% memorability skyrockets – to 70% and more.

How Should a Start-up Business Go About Designing a Brand?

There’s a 3-step process that every business should go through. Defining these factors will help you determine what your business’s brand designs should look like.

Here’s a quick outline of the steps:

Step 1: Define your business’s Brand Story: who you are, what you do, what makes you different and who you can best help.

Step 2: Brand Message. Determine your brand message to communicate: who you are, what you do, and what makes you different to the people you can best help.

Step 3: Brand Design. Develop consistent marketing and online materials to showcase your brand and to market your business.  Making sure that these materials are consistent is key. Consistency gives your business the repetition and reinforcement needed to create brand recognition.

SmallBizLady: How Can a Company’s Brand Design Communicate Their Brand Story to Their Customers?

Erin Ferree: There are 3 major design elements that a brand design can use to communicate:

1. Choose a Symbol. Symbols, forms, shapes and even objects all have meanings. Choose symbols that have meaning for your specific target audience. And, make sure that meaning aligns with your Brand Story.

2. Font meaning. Fonts are a major design element.  Each font has a different meaning or message. For example, Century Gothic is a modern, geometric font and Times New Roman is a more traditional font. Choose your fonts carefully to communicate your Brand Story.

3. Color. You’ve heard that a picture is worth a thousand words? Once you add color to that picture, it can be worth ten thousand words. Colors have different meanings in different contexts and cultures. Make sure that your business’s color palette communicates the message that you’ve laid out in your Brand Story.

How Should a Start-up Use Design Elements to Communicate?

The most common way to use design elements (symbols, fonts and color) is in your logo. A logo should consist of a unique icon, or picture, that shows what your business is all about, and your business name. Your logo should have a color palette associated with it (though you will have a black and white version too)

Should a Small Business Design a Logo Immediately Upon Starting Up?

A logo may not be the first piece of marketing material you design — you should wait to design it until your business has its’ “legs”.  You will probably need to design some temporary marketing materials when you first begin your business. This will allow you test your business ideas, refine them, and to get the first few paying customers. By waiting to design your brand, you can make sure your brand story is solid and that you have a story that you want to live with for the life of your business.

What Can Happen if You Design the Logo Too Soon?

You could waste money. You need to make sure that your logo will be your business’s logo for life — because you don’t want to redesign your logo.  Redesigning your logo is not only a costly process, but means that you have to redesign all of your other marketing materials.  And redesigning your logo means that you lose all the memorability that you’ve built up around your original logo.

When Should a Start-Up Business Approach a Graphic Designer?

Once you have a defined Brand Story then you should find a graphic designer and have them create a logo that communicates directly to your customers. I recommend working with a designer who has been trained in symbology, font meanings and color psychology.

Is a Brand Design Just a Logo?

No. A Brand Design consists of a logo and your company’s Visual Vocabulary. A Visual Vocabulary is all of the other design elements that you will use in addition to the logo on your marketing materials. The most basic Visual Vocabulary will include an extended font palette (headline and body fonts chosen to compliment your logo font)… and an extended color palette. These colors can be used for backgrounds, highlights, headlines, etc.A more advanced Visual Vocabulary will have background colors, effects, specialized font treatments (such as a treatment for your tagline), the type of paper that you print your materials on. All of these elements, plus your logo, are the foundation of your company’s brand design.

What Brand Elements Should Be Designed First?

 Once you’ve designed your logo, you can begin designing your print and online marketing materials. You should start designing a business card and a basic website or blog. Then, take stock of which additional pieces would help you communicate with your target audience — and design those strategically.

Why Is It So Critical to Invest In Professional Brand Design?

Brand Design helps a start-up — or any small business – to connect more quickly and efficiently with their potential customers.


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marketing Team in Mankhurd


WHAT IS FIELD MARKETING? Field marketing and marketing Team in Mankhurd is becoming more popular for companies in various industries. From food and beverage to consumer goods. It’s a tool that can be used to showcase latest products or services in a face to face environment with consumers. Furthermore companies recognise the importance of having brand ambassadors and reps on the ‘front line’ introducing the public to new innovations or delicious treats. This is done in the ‘field’; around shopping centers and in retail hot spots, expos and events, university campus’ and sport stadiums to name a few. Most campaign activities focus on customer facing roles including product demonstrations, direct selling and street training teams. However not all field marketing is consumer facing such as auditing and merchandising. Goals and outcomes of field marketing will differ from company to company. Some campaigns are designed to increase brand awareness or sales. While others may be to collect data and feedback about the product and its market. At Splatter we have all the tools necessary for the clients desired outcome to be achieved WHAT A FIELD MARKETING TEAM LOOKS LIKE. For successful field marketing campaigns companies might have dedicated teams within their business whose task it is to be creative and manage field marketing initiatives. However agencies are also on hand to support a campaign. By offering staff, management and infrastructure the client can focus on the more creative aspect of the campaign. A field marketing agency and  marketing Team in Mankhurd tends to work in territories operating with reps within their own regions. Often overlooked by regional or national managers depending on the scale of the team. Although territory management is more important for wide scale national distributing business, smaller brands are recognising the importance of managing promotions on a more local scale using teams to promote, audit and sell in their regions.



As mentioned already, demo days are a popular tool of field marketing. These campaigns can stretch from as little as one week to 6 months however some are continuous and full time. For consumer goods this would mean having brand representatives in retail stores and around shopping centers, events or road shows. Finally The Brand Ambassadors are engaging with the consumer and showing them how the product or service works. This is important as it allows a potential buyer to get hands on experience and a feel of ownership of the product; most importantly the rep is also on hand to answers any questions the customer may have. Although a sell is great the main aim of a demo campaign is brand awareness. Food and beverage take a slightly differently approach. By handing out free samples and one off deals of their product around retail and events, consumers are getting a taste of the brands latest delicious treats and at the same time everyone loves free food! Sampling is a fun activation and is effective when bringing new products to the high street. Marketing Training Learn more about product demonstrations by checking out our in depth guide here.


Much like product demonstrations these campaigns have brand reps or ambassadors at the center of them. The difference is it’s more about the selling of the product. Sales rep might have targets to adhere to. Finally these campaigns are super effective during peak times when the difference in a sale or not can be having a knowledgeable brand rep in store. Product Demonstrations Learn more about what direct selling is in our guide here.


Auditing takes the reps out off the front line and away from the consumer. Auditing teams are used by marketers to monitor traditional marketing strategies that they put in place across retail. Most of all audits ensure that the brand is represented as it should be on shelves and around retail hot spots. Examples are; checking POS is as it should be across the territories, promotions advertised and running and paid spaces such as gondolas are set up. The data collected from the teams can be useful for the marketers to negotiate better future deals. In addition it also allows for mistakes to be rectified there and then by the reps. Splatter offer a live system that can be monitored by the client in real team meaning that red flags in the field can be dealt with instantaneously .Store Audits and Merchandising To learn more about Audits and merchandising view our guide here.


When it comes to guerrilla marketing the gloves are off. They are usually low budget campaigns but with the right imagination and ideas they offer up some unprecedented results. Furthermore the term ‘Guerrilla Marketing’ itself is used to refer to campaigns that surprise consumers in locations and ways they might not usually expect. For that reason the experience remains with the consumer.


Product Sampling To learn more about sampling work and what that involves view our guide here. WHO DOES WHAT? FIELD MARKETING REP: These guys and girls are the cream of the crop, they are masters of everything. Sometimes they may be conducting training sessions on major proportion for a retailers whole selling team. Another role they find themselves in are in is in the field collecting data and conducted audits. Finally everything in between including sales, merchandising, and working at events. Their primary concern is to drive brand awareness across their region through face to face with consumer and staff on a retail level. Read about what being a field marketing rep is all about here. FIELD MARKETING MANAGER: The field manager’s role is to oversee the field reps; it is their duty to ensure the field marketing campaigns achieves the clients intended goal. As the manager of all the region, they hold the responsibility of ensuring that all reps are trained and directed towards the client’s goals. In addition the field marketing manager will work closely with the clients marketing executives to align the marketing objectives and goals with team in the field. Finally they will then report the findings and feedback from the team. Read more about what being a field marketing manager entails here. BRAND AMBASSADOR/BRAND REP As we know by now the BA role is one of the most crucial in field marketing. Ultimately they are usually supplied by the marketing agency and are tasked with promoting and representing the client’s brand. This can work well within a University by hiring a student to represent the brand around campus; this is perfect for low budget campaigns as sometimes all it takes is giving the BA some products to show off. Some larger scale business’ use celebrities to endorse their product and services by making them the face of their brand using social media to promote to their following. Learn about the various roles within the Field Marketing industry are by reading our guide here. You can also join our team by signing up here. DO YOU NEED FIELD MARKETING? Field marketing as you have seen is a useful tool to accompany other traditional marketing strategies. For example a company might pay a huge amount of money for prime advertising spot during a major sports event. However if this is the case it is important for the brand to follow up with demos in stores. If there is a brand rep placed in store the following few days after the advertising campaign the customer is more likely to come over and ask some questions about the product. Another reason you might need field marketing is to ensure your budget has been well spent. After investing into a large scale in-store promotion campaign you want to ensure that it is implemented to the standard agreed with the retailer. Data can be collected by auditing teams and analysed to see if the money had been well spent. Furthermore it also gives opportunity for future campaigns to implemented with higher efficiency and success.      

marketing Team in Mankhurd

Does the Face of Your Brand Speak its Language?

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A mind-blowing campaign concept with flawless planning can fall flat if the face of the brand – the brand ambassador – is ineffective. Not only does a poorly trained brand ambassador yield little in terms of the much talked about Return on Investment, they can also have a hugely negative effect on a brand’s image, leaving behind more detrimental than good results.

We all know that consumers are quick to complain about bad experiences, which often results in brands losing even the most forgiving consumer, and can cost them an untold number of potential customers yet to even purchase a product. Now add the power of social media, and one bad experience can be shared hundreds of thousands of times, potentially causing massive damage.

Whether doing your grocery shopping, walking through a shopping mall, visiting an exhibition, playing a round of golf, or stopped at an intersection, consumers constantly cross paths with brand ambassadors. But how many of these interactions are meaningful, and actually achieve their objectives?

If, like me, you more often than not avoid these one-on-one interactions at all costs, then you are not alone. However, this is not due to the ineffectiveness of this form of marketing, but rather due to poor execution. We cannot underestimate the value of these face-to-face interactions, it allows brands to connect with their target market using all five senses, creating memorable experiences and forming emotional links, and it also enables more complex brand information to be communicated with ease. If activated correctly, experiential marketing is arguably the most powerful form of marketing.


Pennywise, Pound Foolish

Clients and agencies put enormous trust in brand ambassadors, and they can make or break a campaign. In today’s competitive environment and price wars, all too often the saying “you get what you pay for” rings true. I consistently come across brand ambassadors that are uninterested, not proactive, with little to no product knowledge. In more concerning instances, while acting as a mystery shopper auditing another company’s promoters for a client, I have been given completely incorrect information that could have had serious legal implications for a brand. In these instances, budget spent on these activations has been completely wasted and has put the brand at immense risk.


Don’t Compare Apples with Oranges

When comparing agency quotes, it is imperative that brand managers be more concerned with quality than price. As an agency we understand that it is our responsibility to give our brand ambassadors the tools required to perform exceptionally. The most important tool we can provide them with is training. Not only does this reinforce the fact that they are a valued member of our team, it empowers them and encourages them to be loyal and always give their best.

With this in mind our Training Manager, a SETA certified facilitator, developed a unique and intensive BA training academy module which equips our brand ambassadors with the knowledge to read their consumer, helping them to understand their wants and needs. This enables them to effectively upsell, provide awesome customer service, and ultimately afford the consumer an all-round positive brand experience. Our customised campaign specific training also drills down into product specific upselling skills, in-depth product training and thorough understanding of campaign objectives and mechanics.

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marketing Team in Koombarwara


WHAT IS FIELD MARKETING? Field marketing and marketing Team in Koombarwara is becoming more popular for companies in various industries. From food and beverage to consumer goods. It’s a tool that can be used to showcase latest products or services in a face to face environment with consumers. Furthermore companies recognise the importance of having brand ambassadors and reps on the ‘front line’ introducing the public to new innovations or delicious treats. This is done in the ‘field’; around shopping centers and in retail hot spots, expos and events, university campus’ and sport stadiums to name a few. Most campaign activities focus on customer facing roles including product demonstrations, direct selling and street training teams. However not all field marketing is consumer facing such as auditing and merchandising. Goals and outcomes of field marketing will differ from company to company. Some campaigns are designed to increase brand awareness or sales. While others may be to collect data and feedback about the product and its market. At Splatter we have all the tools necessary for the clients desired outcome to be achieved WHAT A FIELD MARKETING TEAM LOOKS LIKE. For successful field marketing campaigns companies might have dedicated teams within their business whose task it is to be creative and manage field marketing initiatives. However agencies are also on hand to support a campaign. By offering staff, management and infrastructure the client can focus on the more creative aspect of the campaign. A field marketing agency and  marketing Team in Koombarwara tends to work in territories operating with reps within their own regions. Often overlooked by regional or national managers depending on the scale of the team. Although territory management is more important for wide scale national distributing business, smaller brands are recognising the importance of managing promotions on a more local scale using teams to promote, audit and sell in their regions.



As mentioned already, demo days are a popular tool of field marketing. These campaigns can stretch from as little as one week to 6 months however some are continuous and full time. For consumer goods this would mean having brand representatives in retail stores and around shopping centers, events or road shows. Finally The Brand Ambassadors are engaging with the consumer and showing them how the product or service works. This is important as it allows a potential buyer to get hands on experience and a feel of ownership of the product; most importantly the rep is also on hand to answers any questions the customer may have. Although a sell is great the main aim of a demo campaign is brand awareness. Food and beverage take a slightly differently approach. By handing out free samples and one off deals of their product around retail and events, consumers are getting a taste of the brands latest delicious treats and at the same time everyone loves free food! Sampling is a fun activation and is effective when bringing new products to the high street. Marketing Training Learn more about product demonstrations by checking out our in depth guide here.


Much like product demonstrations these campaigns have brand reps or ambassadors at the center of them. The difference is it’s more about the selling of the product. Sales rep might have targets to adhere to. Finally these campaigns are super effective during peak times when the difference in a sale or not can be having a knowledgeable brand rep in store. Product Demonstrations Learn more about what direct selling is in our guide here.


Auditing takes the reps out off the front line and away from the consumer. Auditing teams are used by marketers to monitor traditional marketing strategies that they put in place across retail. Most of all audits ensure that the brand is represented as it should be on shelves and around retail hot spots. Examples are; checking POS is as it should be across the territories, promotions advertised and running and paid spaces such as gondolas are set up. The data collected from the teams can be useful for the marketers to negotiate better future deals. In addition it also allows for mistakes to be rectified there and then by the reps. Splatter offer a live system that can be monitored by the client in real team meaning that red flags in the field can be dealt with instantaneously .Store Audits and Merchandising To learn more about Audits and merchandising view our guide here.


When it comes to guerrilla marketing the gloves are off. They are usually low budget campaigns but with the right imagination and ideas they offer up some unprecedented results. Furthermore the term ‘Guerrilla Marketing’ itself is used to refer to campaigns that surprise consumers in locations and ways they might not usually expect. For that reason the experience remains with the consumer.


Product Sampling To learn more about sampling work and what that involves view our guide here. WHO DOES WHAT? FIELD MARKETING REP: These guys and girls are the cream of the crop, they are masters of everything. Sometimes they may be conducting training sessions on major proportion for a retailers whole selling team. Another role they find themselves in are in is in the field collecting data and conducted audits. Finally everything in between including sales, merchandising, and working at events. Their primary concern is to drive brand awareness across their region through face to face with consumer and staff on a retail level. Read about what being a field marketing rep is all about here. FIELD MARKETING MANAGER: The field manager’s role is to oversee the field reps; it is their duty to ensure the field marketing campaigns achieves the clients intended goal. As the manager of all the region, they hold the responsibility of ensuring that all reps are trained and directed towards the client’s goals. In addition the field marketing manager will work closely with the clients marketing executives to align the marketing objectives and goals with team in the field. Finally they will then report the findings and feedback from the team. Read more about what being a field marketing manager entails here. BRAND AMBASSADOR/BRAND REP As we know by now the BA role is one of the most crucial in field marketing. Ultimately they are usually supplied by the marketing agency and are tasked with promoting and representing the client’s brand. This can work well within a University by hiring a student to represent the brand around campus; this is perfect for low budget campaigns as sometimes all it takes is giving the BA some products to show off. Some larger scale business’ use celebrities to endorse their product and services by making them the face of their brand using social media to promote to their following. Learn about the various roles within the Field Marketing industry are by reading our guide here. You can also join our team by signing up here. DO YOU NEED FIELD MARKETING? Field marketing as you have seen is a useful tool to accompany other traditional marketing strategies. For example a company might pay a huge amount of money for prime advertising spot during a major sports event. However if this is the case it is important for the brand to follow up with demos in stores. If there is a brand rep placed in store the following few days after the advertising campaign the customer is more likely to come over and ask some questions about the product. Another reason you might need field marketing is to ensure your budget has been well spent. After investing into a large scale in-store promotion campaign you want to ensure that it is implemented to the standard agreed with the retailer. Data can be collected by auditing teams and analysed to see if the money had been well spent. Furthermore it also gives opportunity for future campaigns to implemented with higher efficiency and success.      

marketing Team in Koombarwara

Brands won’t survive without interactive experiences

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A new whitepaper by Ad-Apocalypse entitled Why Brands Won’t Survive Without Interactive Experiences, the fact that marketing has been a decidedly one-way affair over the past ten years was highlighted. In a scramble to rise above the masses, brands have started to push their message wider, louder, and further – with marketing that is shifting from quantity to quality.

“Within the next five years, we anticipate investment in ad impressions going down. Instead marketing budgets will go toward brand experiences,” said Shar Van Boskirk, Principal Analyst, Forrester.

Forrester’s research agrees with this, with one of their recent reports on Digital Advertising stating that digital tools have arisen that do what advertising does, often better, but that digital advertising still isn’t always working due to a number of reasons such as:

  • Ad blocking
  • Low click-through rates
  • Boring ad formats
  • Savvy customers
  • Advertiser fraud
  • Irrelevant ads
  • Chasing clicks over relevance

Advertising has perpetuated the lack of real interaction a brand has with customers. Progressive brands are increasingly looking for new ways to connect with customers and turn consumer indifference into something that can yield results. The solution for this is interactivity.

Instead of trying to find ways around ad-blockers, Ad-Apocalypse says that the solution is to listen to consumers and use technology to make marketing engaging again. Digital transformation is about creating new, interactive ways to share experiences with everyone. Providing interactive marketing experiences across all digital channels to engage consumers at every digital touchpoint is what brands need to be focusing on. Some of these touchpoints include:

  • Websites
  • Landing pages
  • Social media networks
  • Broadcast and streaming
  • In-store experiences
  • Brand mobile apps
  • Out-of-home
  • In-venue
  • Interactive ad units
  • Chatbots and instant messaging
  • Twitter Live

Consumer’s aren’t just bored with ads, but they’ve become blind to ads and one-way messaging from companies. Even relevant ads that are well-placed often get ignored. Innovative and interactive brand experiences within traditional ad-units will replace today’s tiresome ad displays. This allows advertising to be based on formats that are once again something new and exciting for the consumer.

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marketing service in Mumbai Central


WHAT IS FIELD MARKETING? Field marketing and marketing service in Mumbai Central is becoming more popular for companies in various industries. From food and beverage to consumer goods. It’s a tool that can be used to showcase latest products or services in a face to face environment with consumers. Furthermore companies recognise the importance of having brand ambassadors and reps on the ‘front line’ introducing the public to new innovations or delicious treats. This is done in the ‘field’; around shopping centers and in retail hot spots, expos and events, university campus’ and sport stadiums to name a few. Most campaign activities focus on customer facing roles including product demonstrations, direct selling and street training teams. However not all field marketing is consumer facing such as auditing and merchandising. Goals and outcomes of field marketing will differ from company to company. Some campaigns are designed to increase brand awareness or sales. While others may be to collect data and feedback about the product and its market. At Splatter we have all the tools necessary for the clients desired outcome to be achieved WHAT A FIELD MARKETING TEAM LOOKS LIKE. For successful field marketing campaigns companies might have dedicated teams within their business whose task it is to be creative and manage field marketing initiatives. However agencies are also on hand to support a campaign. By offering staff, management and infrastructure the client can focus on the more creative aspect of the campaign. A field marketing agency and  marketing service in Mumbai Central tends to work in territories operating with reps within their own regions. Often overlooked by regional or national managers depending on the scale of the team. Although territory management is more important for wide scale national distributing business, smaller brands are recognising the importance of managing promotions on a more local scale using teams to promote, audit and sell in their regions.



As mentioned already, demo days are a popular tool of field marketing. These campaigns can stretch from as little as one week to 6 months however some are continuous and full time. For consumer goods this would mean having brand representatives in retail stores and around shopping centers, events or road shows. Finally The Brand Ambassadors are engaging with the consumer and showing them how the product or service works. This is important as it allows a potential buyer to get hands on experience and a feel of ownership of the product; most importantly the rep is also on hand to answers any questions the customer may have. Although a sell is great the main aim of a demo campaign is brand awareness. Food and beverage take a slightly differently approach. By handing out free samples and one off deals of their product around retail and events, consumers are getting a taste of the brands latest delicious treats and at the same time everyone loves free food! Sampling is a fun activation and is effective when bringing new products to the high street. Marketing Training Learn more about product demonstrations by checking out our in depth guide here.


Much like product demonstrations these campaigns have brand reps or ambassadors at the center of them. The difference is it’s more about the selling of the product. Sales rep might have targets to adhere to. Finally these campaigns are super effective during peak times when the difference in a sale or not can be having a knowledgeable brand rep in store. Product Demonstrations Learn more about what direct selling is in our guide here.


Auditing takes the reps out off the front line and away from the consumer. Auditing teams are used by marketers to monitor traditional marketing strategies that they put in place across retail. Most of all audits ensure that the brand is represented as it should be on shelves and around retail hot spots. Examples are; checking POS is as it should be across the territories, promotions advertised and running and paid spaces such as gondolas are set up. The data collected from the teams can be useful for the marketers to negotiate better future deals. In addition it also allows for mistakes to be rectified there and then by the reps. Splatter offer a live system that can be monitored by the client in real team meaning that red flags in the field can be dealt with instantaneously .Store Audits and Merchandising To learn more about Audits and merchandising view our guide here.


When it comes to guerrilla marketing the gloves are off. They are usually low budget campaigns but with the right imagination and ideas they offer up some unprecedented results. Furthermore the term ‘Guerrilla Marketing’ itself is used to refer to campaigns that surprise consumers in locations and ways they might not usually expect. For that reason the experience remains with the consumer.


Product Sampling To learn more about sampling work and what that involves view our guide here. WHO DOES WHAT? FIELD MARKETING REP: These guys and girls are the cream of the crop, they are masters of everything. Sometimes they may be conducting training sessions on major proportion for a retailers whole selling team. Another role they find themselves in are in is in the field collecting data and conducted audits. Finally everything in between including sales, merchandising, and working at events. Their primary concern is to drive brand awareness across their region through face to face with consumer and staff on a retail level. Read about what being a field marketing rep is all about here. FIELD MARKETING MANAGER: The field manager’s role is to oversee the field reps; it is their duty to ensure the field marketing campaigns achieves the clients intended goal. As the manager of all the region, they hold the responsibility of ensuring that all reps are trained and directed towards the client’s goals. In addition the field marketing manager will work closely with the clients marketing executives to align the marketing objectives and goals with team in the field. Finally they will then report the findings and feedback from the team. Read more about what being a field marketing manager entails here. BRAND AMBASSADOR/BRAND REP As we know by now the BA role is one of the most crucial in field marketing. Ultimately they are usually supplied by the marketing agency and are tasked with promoting and representing the client’s brand. This can work well within a University by hiring a student to represent the brand around campus; this is perfect for low budget campaigns as sometimes all it takes is giving the BA some products to show off. Some larger scale business’ use celebrities to endorse their product and services by making them the face of their brand using social media to promote to their following. Learn about the various roles within the Field Marketing industry are by reading our guide here. You can also join our team by signing up here. DO YOU NEED FIELD MARKETING? Field marketing as you have seen is a useful tool to accompany other traditional marketing strategies. For example a company might pay a huge amount of money for prime advertising spot during a major sports event. However if this is the case it is important for the brand to follow up with demos in stores. If there is a brand rep placed in store the following few days after the advertising campaign the customer is more likely to come over and ask some questions about the product. Another reason you might need field marketing is to ensure your budget has been well spent. After investing into a large scale in-store promotion campaign you want to ensure that it is implemented to the standard agreed with the retailer. Data can be collected by auditing teams and analysed to see if the money had been well spent. Furthermore it also gives opportunity for future campaigns to implemented with higher efficiency and success.      

marketing service in Mumbai Central

Tracking Study

Door To Door Marketing

Face to Face Marketing and Door to Door Marketing 

Nothing beats the reality that one gets when you can interact with potential clients face to face physically moving from door to door within a community or household to household, face to face field marketing is also called personal selling or door to door marketing, customers are met directly in order to sell their products, using this method of field marketing we rely on our skills and persuasive abilities. During the period where we get to interact with the client face to face we get more chance to pass across edible information which would be useful to all our customers at that time and it’s also an opportunity for us to get feedback and to gauge your opinion about our business.

Door to Door marketing and Face to Face marketing is a more effective traditional form of marketing, it’s one of the oldest forms of marketing and we use promotion as a means to drive sales to your company or business. There’s nothing more exhilarating than getting to interact with potential customers through face to face marketing and over the years customers are aware and very receptive to this marketing approach through supermarkets and public business places.

The benefit of this type of field marketing is that it can be done on a low budget, it is very cost effective and reaches a larger number of people per within a very short duration, in this short period of time where you have just a few minutes to convince the customers to take interest in your business, just a few minutes to build personal relations through five stages. By attention, interest, desire, conviction and action.  And what else do you benefit by using face to face marketing service?

It gives you the chance to build a certain level of confidence and trust with the customers, you get to break down communication barrier of communication and it gives you the opportunity to show clarity and answer any questions on the mind of the customers.

While many think that door to door marketing is getting neglected in this very era it still yields more results especially during startups of businesses, think about it. Other forms of marketing get lower results, emails get spammed, adverts go unnoticed and phone calls go unanswered so why not just take your business directly to them. It’s only through personal interaction that you get the chance to connect with the customer, you would be selling more than a product.


 You would be selling your zeal, emotions and passion

We offer a wide range of marketing services to business of different functions in India, startup businesses are not left out and we cut across all methods of marketing services, with Door to Door marketing service we assist you our clients with reaching your target customers, our services which extends to all parts of India and we target customers who are ready to change their local services to yours. We can assure you that our face to face methods would be conducted with high regards to personal safety and very good competence.

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Door-to-door marketing is a canvassing technique that is generally used for sales, marketing, advertising, or campaigning, in which the person or persons walk from the door of one house to the door of another, trying to sell or advertise a product or service to the general public or gather information. People who use this sales approach are often called traveling salesmen, or the archaic name drummer, to “drum up” business. This technique is also sometimes called direct sales. A variant of this involves cold calling first, when another sales representative attempts to gain agreement that a salesperson should visit.

With the realization of telephone “Do Not Call” lists it is becoming increasingly more difficult to connect with consumers and business people. An emerging trend is the deployment of very professional, highly skilled door-to-door canvassers to drive product sales and brand awareness.

Coordinating, training and motivating these teams to produce results are at the very core of Fulcrum’s proven capabilities. Fulcrum has the knowledge and experience required to implement these programs, such as best days and times to canvass, who will sell the most product; male, female, young or mature and what geographics and demographics respond best to door-to-door marketing. Put Fulcrum’s experience to work for you and avoid the costly mistakes of trying to manage these programs in-house.

Hire and Train Door-to-Door Marketing Team

If you’re in charge of hiring people, that typically means that you’ve found success in Door To Door Marketing yourself. You know what it takes to be great, but now you’re stuck with an entirely new problem. How do you find others who will be just as good (if not better) and will stick around and grow into important influencers invested in the long term growth of the company? A great D2D sales company is a great recruiting company. So what does that greatness look like?

First off, you need to realize that you’re not going to hire a superstar every time. If you think you have found one, be careful. It’s not hard for someone to seem golden during one interview and you don’t want to be fooled.

Even if you think the candidate does have a lot of great experience working in the field for other companies, you have to realize that success doesn’t always translate. What worked for them at previous companies probably won’t work as well for you. In fact, their success will probably make them stubborn; after all, what reason do they have to follow your approach when they’ve figured out their own?

It’s also possible that the rep’s previous company might have had much better-developed training and selling systems than you do, and that system was the key reason they killed it. If you’re not developing a competitive system, what does that communicate about your company? The more dialed-in you are about a rep’s success, the more likely you are to attract and keep strong performers.

Amrut Nagar, Rural Marketing Solutions, Rural Marketing Solutions, Rural Marketing Solutions in pune, one 2 one Marketing, Kiosk engagement Advertisement, Rural promotion activities, , Colleges advertisement activities, society advertisement activities, Kiosk advertisement activities, marketing service in Mumbai Central


marketing Outsourcing firm in Mumbai Central


WHAT IS FIELD MARKETING? Field marketing and marketing Outsourcing firm in Mumbai Central is becoming more popular for companies in various industries. From food and beverage to consumer goods. It’s a tool that can be used to showcase latest products or services in a face to face environment with consumers. Furthermore companies recognise the importance of having brand ambassadors and reps on the ‘front line’ introducing the public to new innovations or delicious treats. This is done in the ‘field’; around shopping centers and in retail hot spots, expos and events, university campus’ and sport stadiums to name a few. Most campaign activities focus on customer facing roles including product demonstrations, direct selling and street training teams. However not all field marketing is consumer facing such as auditing and merchandising. Goals and outcomes of field marketing will differ from company to company. Some campaigns are designed to increase brand awareness or sales. While others may be to collect data and feedback about the product and its market. At Splatter we have all the tools necessary for the clients desired outcome to be achieved WHAT A FIELD MARKETING TEAM LOOKS LIKE. For successful field marketing campaigns companies might have dedicated teams within their business whose task it is to be creative and manage field marketing initiatives. However agencies are also on hand to support a campaign. By offering staff, management and infrastructure the client can focus on the more creative aspect of the campaign. A field marketing agency and  marketing Outsourcing firm in Mumbai Central tends to work in territories operating with reps within their own regions. Often overlooked by regional or national managers depending on the scale of the team. Although territory management is more important for wide scale national distributing business, smaller brands are recognising the importance of managing promotions on a more local scale using teams to promote, audit and sell in their regions.



As mentioned already, demo days are a popular tool of field marketing. These campaigns can stretch from as little as one week to 6 months however some are continuous and full time. For consumer goods this would mean having brand representatives in retail stores and around shopping centers, events or road shows. Finally The Brand Ambassadors are engaging with the consumer and showing them how the product or service works. This is important as it allows a potential buyer to get hands on experience and a feel of ownership of the product; most importantly the rep is also on hand to answers any questions the customer may have. Although a sell is great the main aim of a demo campaign is brand awareness. Food and beverage take a slightly differently approach. By handing out free samples and one off deals of their product around retail and events, consumers are getting a taste of the brands latest delicious treats and at the same time everyone loves free food! Sampling is a fun activation and is effective when bringing new products to the high street. Marketing Training Learn more about product demonstrations by checking out our in depth guide here.


Much like product demonstrations these campaigns have brand reps or ambassadors at the center of them. The difference is it’s more about the selling of the product. Sales rep might have targets to adhere to. Finally these campaigns are super effective during peak times when the difference in a sale or not can be having a knowledgeable brand rep in store. Product Demonstrations Learn more about what direct selling is in our guide here.


Auditing takes the reps out off the front line and away from the consumer. Auditing teams are used by marketers to monitor traditional marketing strategies that they put in place across retail. Most of all audits ensure that the brand is represented as it should be on shelves and around retail hot spots. Examples are; checking POS is as it should be across the territories, promotions advertised and running and paid spaces such as gondolas are set up. The data collected from the teams can be useful for the marketers to negotiate better future deals. In addition it also allows for mistakes to be rectified there and then by the reps. Splatter offer a live system that can be monitored by the client in real team meaning that red flags in the field can be dealt with instantaneously .Store Audits and Merchandising To learn more about Audits and merchandising view our guide here.


When it comes to guerrilla marketing the gloves are off. They are usually low budget campaigns but with the right imagination and ideas they offer up some unprecedented results. Furthermore the term ‘Guerrilla Marketing’ itself is used to refer to campaigns that surprise consumers in locations and ways they might not usually expect. For that reason the experience remains with the consumer.


Product Sampling To learn more about sampling work and what that involves view our guide here. WHO DOES WHAT? FIELD MARKETING REP: These guys and girls are the cream of the crop, they are masters of everything. Sometimes they may be conducting training sessions on major proportion for a retailers whole selling team. Another role they find themselves in are in is in the field collecting data and conducted audits. Finally everything in between including sales, merchandising, and working at events. Their primary concern is to drive brand awareness across their region through face to face with consumer and staff on a retail level. Read about what being a field marketing rep is all about here. FIELD MARKETING MANAGER: The field manager’s role is to oversee the field reps; it is their duty to ensure the field marketing campaigns achieves the clients intended goal. As the manager of all the region, they hold the responsibility of ensuring that all reps are trained and directed towards the client’s goals. In addition the field marketing manager will work closely with the clients marketing executives to align the marketing objectives and goals with team in the field. Finally they will then report the findings and feedback from the team. Read more about what being a field marketing manager entails here. BRAND AMBASSADOR/BRAND REP As we know by now the BA role is one of the most crucial in field marketing. Ultimately they are usually supplied by the marketing agency and are tasked with promoting and representing the client’s brand. This can work well within a University by hiring a student to represent the brand around campus; this is perfect for low budget campaigns as sometimes all it takes is giving the BA some products to show off. Some larger scale business’ use celebrities to endorse their product and services by making them the face of their brand using social media to promote to their following. Learn about the various roles within the Field Marketing industry are by reading our guide here. You can also join our team by signing up here. DO YOU NEED FIELD MARKETING? Field marketing as you have seen is a useful tool to accompany other traditional marketing strategies. For example a company might pay a huge amount of money for prime advertising spot during a major sports event. However if this is the case it is important for the brand to follow up with demos in stores. If there is a brand rep placed in store the following few days after the advertising campaign the customer is more likely to come over and ask some questions about the product. Another reason you might need field marketing is to ensure your budget has been well spent. After investing into a large scale in-store promotion campaign you want to ensure that it is implemented to the standard agreed with the retailer. Data can be collected by auditing teams and analysed to see if the money had been well spent. Furthermore it also gives opportunity for future campaigns to implemented with higher efficiency and success.      

marketing Outsourcing firm in Mumbai Central


Fulcrum Marketing Services in Pune are the catalyst to bringing your advertising vision to life. While many ideas start in a boardroom, you need experienced marketers on the ground who are able to conceptualize, plan and execute a well thought-out marketing campaign in the field.


1. PRODUCT DEMONSTRATIONS As mentioned already, demo days are a popular tool of field marketing. These campaigns can stretch from as little as one week to 6 months however some are continuous and full time. For consumer goods this would mean having brand representatives in retail stores and around shopping centers, events or road shows. Finally The Brand Ambassadors are engaging with the consumer and showing them how the product or service works. This is important as it allows a potential buyer to get hands on experience and a feel of ownership of the product; most importantly the rep is also on hand to answers any questions the customer may have. Although a sell is great the main aim of a demo campaign is brand awareness.

Food and beverage take a slightly differently approach. By handing out free samples and one off deals of their product around retail and events, consumers are getting a taste of the brands latest delicious treats and at the same time everyone loves free food! Sampling is a fun activation and is effective when bringing new products to the high street.

2. DIRECT SELLING Much like product demonstrations these campaigns have brand reps or ambassadors at the center of them. The difference is it’s more about the selling of the product. Sales rep might have targets to adhere to. Finally these campaigns are super effective during peak times when the difference in a sale or not can be having a knowledgeable brand rep in store.

3. RETAIL AUDITS AND MERCHANDISING Auditing takes the reps out off the front line and away from the consumer. Auditing teams are used by marketers to monitor traditional marketing strategies that they put in place across retail. Most of all audits ensure that the brand is represented as it should be on shelves and around retail hot spots. Examples are; checking POS is as it should be across the territories, promotions advertised and running and paid spaces such as gondolas are set up. The data collected from the teams can be useful for the marketers to negotiate better future deals. In addition it also allows for mistakes to be rectified there and then by the reps. Splatter offer a live system that can be monitored by the client in real team meaning that red flags in the field can be dealt with instantaneously

4. GUERRILLA MARKETING When it comes to guerrilla marketing the gloves are off. They are usually low budget campaigns but with the right imagination and ideas they offer up some unprecedented results. Furthermore the term ‘Guerrilla Marketing’ itself is used to refer to campaigns that surprise consumers in locations and ways they might not usually expect. For that reason the experience remains with the consumer.

5. PRODUCT SAMPLING Fulcrum are a highly recommended provider of product sampling staff. We specialise in the implementation of sampling campaigns using our in house sampling team and logistical know-how. We can sample your product throughout a range of Maharashtra wide locations including shopping centres, supermarkets, city centres, train stations and everywhere in between. Sampling is a great way to get your product in to the hands of new and existing customers, letting them experience your brand, place it in the front of their minds and create new loyal consumers.


We Believe that Successful Marketing Campaigns are Built on Six Major Components

Hover over each component to see what goes into our process

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Some of the field marketing services we offer include the following:

Door To Door Marketing : Nothing beats the reality that one gets when you can interact with potential clients face to face physically moving from door to door within a community or household to household, face to face field marketing is also called personal selling or door to door marketing, customers are met directly in order to sell their products, using this method of field marketing we rely on our skills and persuasive abilities. During the period where we get to interact with the client face to face we get more chance to pass across edible information which would be useful to all our customers at that time and it’s also an opportunity for us to get feedback and to gauge your opinion about our business.

Merchandising support: Make the most of your merchandising space to stimulate consumer interest and drive sales.

Mystery shopping: Mystery shopping is a great measure of just how well your brand is doing on the ground. Fulcrum activities in the field, coupled with our instant reporting tools, provide market insights you can act on now.

Market research: With real-time reporting and feedback from the field, Fulcrum provides real market insights you can act on now to create real results.

Store audits: Fulcrum can provide the extra resources, support and technology you need to conduct a successful store audit.

Staff training: Make sure your field or store staff have the knowledge and know-how they need so that your marketing efforts take real effect. Talk to Fulcrum today about staff training.

Incentive launches: Fulcrum has the tools to put the excitement back into incentive with a perfectly placed incentive launch.

Lead generation: Fulcrum will assist with lead generation activities which generate consumer interest in order to build lists and get sales leads.

Why partner with our field marketing agency?

Sell more product.
Build a bigger brand.
Gain more market share.
Create unforgettable consumer experiences.
Real time information.
Actionable market insights.
Measurable responses and return on investment.
Unique brand ambassador rating platform.
Proprietary technologies and reporting systems.

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shop To shop Marketing business in mumbai


The Fulcrum Agency is the Mumbai marketing company and shop To shop Marketing business in mumbai  advertising agency that businesses turn to because we transform businesses into brands. With over 12 years of experience, we help business owners like you with branding, marketing, advertising, and complete creative solutions. Our Marketing Services Mumbai As a Mumbai marketing and advertising firm, we have an incredible list of services that allows us to tackle any marketing or advertising challenge that comes our way.


Let’s help you get the most out of your marketing with strategies and solutions that make sense for your budget and business. Learn more…


Advertising needs two things: great creative, great choices and great management of your media spend. Let’s show you how we can do both. Learn more..


You’re nothing without a strong brand. We’ve been building great brand for over 12 years. Let’s show you how we can build yours. Learn more..


Design is critical to the success of any marketing or advertising campaign. Our amazing team of Mumbai graphic designers will blow you away! Learn more…


Copy-writing is how your communicate your brand and message to the world. Our wordsmiths will give voice to your company. Learn more…


Public Relations is the art of getting the media to talk about you. Our PR team is great at getting the kind of media attention that will do wonders for your business. Learn more…


Social media marketing is more than just likes and followers. It’s about starting a conversation with your customers and building a relationship with them. Learn more.. CALL CENTRE Call centre services are an excellent way and affordable to grow your business. Our call centre is located in Mumbai to maximize your potential for success. Learn more…

shop To shop Marketing business in mumbai

Unique Selling Proposition Small Business?

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What sets your brand apart in the marketplace?

Your unique selling proposition (USP) also referred to as a unique value proposition is the core of your competitive advantage as a small business. It clearly articulates why someone should want to buy from you. It’s the #1 thing that determines whether people will bother reading more about your product or service or hit the back button. Your unique value proposition should be the foundation of your company’s brand promise. It’s also essential to keep your message consistent across every aspect of your online presence. The most compelling value propositions are those that are concise, highlight quantifiable outcomes and clearly distinguishes the value the seller is offering over the competition. Many small business owners set themselves up for failure, by never truly articulating a compelling value proposition. But you must establish a substantive unique selling proposition if you want go from idea to successful business.

When developing your unique selling proposition answer these questions: What are you good at? What is your target customer’s biggest challenge? What solution are you offering? How are you better that your top 3 competitors?
  1. What are you good at?

What Is your magical power or signature service in your business? What do you do better than your competitors? What are your core services? Being able to identify what your company does, and how you’re different from the competition gives you the foundation to develop your unique selling proposition.  Be careful as you craft this message, as it’s not a simple a tagline in the header of your website. Whatever your claim is, you must be able to back it up. It’s your brand promise. Also everyone in your company should know what it is and be able to articulate it on demand.

  1. Identify your target customer’s pain

All marketing starts with identifying your best target customer. You must be able to sell your product or service to a specific audience, otherwise it will simply cost too much to promote it. In order to close a sale, you need to develop a detailed customer profile. To do that you must know your customer’s needs and how you can solve their problems. Focus on learning what keeps them up at night.

  1. What is your solution set?

It’s not about what you sell, it’s about how long, how quickly or how cheaply it solves the problem. As you think about what you sell, it’s always dangerous to lead with facts and figures about your product or service. Because no one cares about that. But if you are marketing with benefits and stories, you will make some sales, there are folks who love a good story. But product sell themselves when your marketing talks about your products and service with a mix of benefits, results, and stories.  That’s when your USP is so compelling that your target audience will pay anything to have what you are selling.

Design a selling proposition around your customers’ needs and drill down your key benefits on whether your USP is cheaper, better or faster.  For example, you might hear common complaints among customers. Use your USP as a counterpoint. If your customer is concerned about pricing you can say, “Yes, our rates are high for the industry, but we offer better tech support than any other provider.”

  1. How to leap over competition?

In order you really have a strong USP, you must know your top competitors and what their USP is so that you can position your business against it. No one is looking for a “me too” brand, so you better be talking about something different. Differentiation is one or more factors that make your business unique in your industry. Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately, it’s simple to understand, but difficult to execute. In short, it’s the answer to why do people do business with you. You must know your unique factors to stand out in the marketplace. You need to be able to describe your target customer, the problem you solve, and why you’re distinctly better than the competition. Additionally, you might need more than one USP. For instance, many brands choose differentiators for their brands, their products, and even their hiring efforts.

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