Interview With Jim Blasingame on Making the Transition from Manager to Executive Sales Coach
People ask me, How does your new book, Coaching Salespeople into Sales Champions compare to the other books youve written? Well, heres some perspective. My last two books took me eight weeks to write. This one? Over two years.
As a matter of fact, the other day, I was talking with Jim Blasingame, creator and award-winning host of the Small Business Advocate Show, which is according to the Small Business Advocate, is the worlds only weekday talk show dedicated to small business Before the interview, we were talking about the books weve both written as well as the time, dedication, focus, commitment, energy and effort it takes to birth a book.
He was interviewing me about the subject matter in the book and what managers have to do to make the transition from manager to executive sales coach in order to build a world class sales team.
Heres the interview I did with Jim the other day you can listen to. We cover some interesting points in terms of virtual sales teams, coaching vs. managing, making the transition from manager to coach, how to motivate salespeople, how to handle an underperformer, the language of leadership and much more.
Heres a direct link to the audio.
Here are several download and format options to access this interview (itunes, podcast, MP3, XML, etc.)