modern trade marketing organizations | engagement marketing Plan washim

Fulcrum are a leading recognition and incentive business based in the washim. We provide solutions to businesses of all sizes all over the world to…
Increase sales, profitability, productivity, knowledge, referrals

Improve service, brand awareness, communication and motivation

Decrease costs, uncertainty, absenteeism and inefficiencies

In short, we can help you achieve all of your business goals simply by changing the behaviour of your best assets – your employees, customers and channel partners.

Fulcrum are perfectionists! We use imagination, creativity, strategy and action to create incentive programmes that inspire, challenge, excite, motivate and engage your audience.
We don’t just do it, as a growing independent company WE LIVE IT! We’re a group of problem solvers, designers, developers, critics and we work hard, around the clock if necessary, to make sure we deliver something special for our customers!
As an independently run company, we offer our customers the personal touch which we feel is not offered by larger organisations. As a team we take immense pride and ownership in everything we do and feel this is demonstrated in our professionalism and performance levels.

As a company our team are committed to understand and resolve any issues or questions you may have promptly and professionally. You will be dealing with a company aware of your need for quick and effective solutions.

If you have any questions or queries, just ask. Our dedicated team will be happy to help.

Fulcrum is an btl and marketing agency and sales agency based in mumbai, pune. Inspire is a business comprised of three strands: Sales Promotions, Loyalty & Rewards and fieldwork.

Sales promotions are fulfilled around the local area for huge brands by our expert team. Employees enjoy travel rewards for loyalty and hard work within their business. The marketing arm of the business has a network of brilliant freelancher marketing agents supported by exclusive supplier deals and the unique Inspire.



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modern trade marketing organizations | engagement marketing Plan washim

Marketing idea an tips , info , case study

Competitive Perceptual Positioning

Perceptual Mapping

Perceptual mapping is a graphic display explaining the perceptions of customers with relation to product characteristics.


Evaluate the concept of perceptual mapping as part of competitive perceptual positioning


Key Points

  • Perceptual maps help marketers understand where the consumer ranks their company in terms of characteristics and in comparison to competing companies.
  • Perceptual maps can display consumers’ ideal points that reflect their ideal combinations of product characteristics.
  • When creating a new product, a company should look for a space that is currently unoccupied by competitors and that has a high concentration of consumer desire (ideal points).
  • A perceptual map is usually based more on a marketer’s knowledge of an industry than market research.

Key Terms

  • demand void: Areas without any significant consumer desires; typically found in ideal point maps of perceptual mapping.
  • price elasticity: The measurement of how changing one economic variable affects others. For example:”If I lower the price of my product, how much more will I sell? “”If I raise the price, how much less will I sell? “”If we learn that a resource is becoming scarce, will people scramble to acquire it? “

Perceptual Mapping

Perceptual mapping is a diagrammatic technique used by marketers in an attempt to visually display the perceptions of customers or potential customers. Typically the position of a product, product line, brand, or company is displayed relative to their competition. Some perceptual maps use different size circles to indicate the sales volume or market share of the various competing products.

Perceptual Map Of Competing Products

Perceptual maps commonly have two dimensions even though they are capable of having several. For example, in this perceptual map you can see consumer perceptions of various automobiles on the two dimensions of sportiness/conservative and classy/affordable. This sample of consumers felt that Porsche cars were the sportiest and classiest of the ones in the study. They felt that Plymouth cars were the most practical and conservative. Cars that are positioned close to each other were seen as similar on the relevant dimensions by the consumer. For example, consumers saw Buick, Chrysler, and Oldsmobile as similar. They are close competitors and form a competitive grouping. A company considering the introduction of a new model will look for an area on the map free from competitors.

A perceptual map that shows car manufacturers based on conservative, classy distinctive, sporty, and practical affordable.

Perceptual Mapping: Perceptual mapping ranks companies based on customers’ perceptions of certain characteristics.

Perceptual Map Of a Consumer’s Ideal

Many perceptual maps also display consumers’ ideal points. These points reflect ideal combinations of the two product characteristics as seen by a consumer. This diagram shows a study of consumers’ ideal points in the alcohol product space. Each dot represents one respondent’s ideal combination of the two dimensions. Areas where there is a cluster of ideal points (such as A) indicates a market segment. Areas without ideal points are sometimes referred to as demand voids.

An ideal points map for the alcoholic beverage industry based on quaintness, social appeal, status, and individuality.

Ideal Points Maps: Ideal points maps reflect ideal combinations of two product characteristics as seen by a consumer. Marketers are able to accurately target their message to consumers based on consumer desires.

Combining the Competing Products and Ideal Points Maps

A company considering introducing a new product will look for areas with a high density of ideal points. They will also look for areas without competitive rivals. This is best done by placing both the ideal points and the competing products on the same map. This map displays various aspirin products as seen on the dimensions of effectiveness and gentleness. It also shows two ideal vectors. This study indicates that there is one segment that is more concerned with effectiveness than harshness, and another segment that is more interested in gentleness than strength.

A combination map of competing products and ideal points. It compares pain medications based on whether they are more or less effective and more or less gentle.

Combination Map: A combination map allows companies to find a space that has unmet consumer desires.

Intuitive Maps

Perceptual maps need not come from a detailed study. There are also intuitive maps (also called judgmental maps or consensus maps) that are created by marketers based on their understanding of their industry. The value of this type of map is questionable, as they often just give the appearance of credibility to management’s preconceptions. When detailed marketing research studies are done, methodological problems can arise, but at least the information is coming directly from the consumer. There is an assortment of statistical procedures (preference regression, multi-dimensional scaling) that can be used to convert the raw data collected in a survey into a perceptual map.

Some techniques are constructed from perceived differences between products, others are constructed from perceived similarities. Still others are constructed from cross price elasticity of demand data from electronic scanners.


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