Working Moms: What is in YOUR Purse!

Working Moms: What is in YOUR Purse!

I recently obtained an interview with a fairly prominent surgeon in our area. My part time, contract work would include updating his site and getting him up to speed with blogs, DIGGs, RSS feeds and all of that fun stuff that can really improve the ranking of your site (I’ll go into this in some future posts).

But for today, for the weekend, I wanted to post something a little more, well, fun.

As I sat in my class last night I opened up my purse in hopes of finding a pen.

Instead, I found the following:

1 yellow matchbox car

4 whole goldfish

at least 6 crumbled goldfish

a used tissue

several flower petals that my oldest daughter had found for her ‘collection’

a rock, again for her collection

a small board book complete with things that squeak, feel rough, and move

I had to laugh. Had I not cleaned out my purse right then and there, chances are I could have walked into this upcoming interview with several things in tow that probably should have been best in the trashcan, or at home with the kids.
It’s funny, isn’t it, the tightrope that a working mother has to walk.

we need to be professional and portray a professional appearance when meeting potential clients or employers.

We need to be playful and portray a fun appearance and persona when with our children.

Sometimes it is difficult-and not feasible as far as time goes-to completely step out of one role and into another.

Besides, I believe these two roles, when blended, actually make us more productive in all of our roles.

So working moms, just for fun, take some time this weekend to clean our your purse.

Now tell me, what did YOU find lurking below!
















































Building & Cultivating One Contact at a Time

Building & Cultivating One Contact at a Time

Every time I turn around I read something about the importance of networking and quite frankly I’m a little surprised that tips like “stay in touch even after an event” are floating around. So, with the job market still shaky and people nervous about the economy I thought I’d toss out a few new and old strategies that should help us all feel a little more grounded. I’m a big believer in acting as if: as if things are going to look up, as if your financial situation is going to get better, as if there’s something good right around the corner. This is especially useful in the workplace whether you’re sitting across the desk from an HR professional interviewing for a job or looking around a conference table at the faces of your colleagues who are looking to you for some inspiration.
    But let’s get back to networking. Clearly, it’s more than just working a room (what a phrase!). One of the most important aspects of networking is to open yourself up. This means allowing in the possibility that by setting aside some preconceived notions, not just about people, but about what you might be interested in, you expand your “opportunity universe.” It’s essential, for example, to stay in touch with people. Restricting communications to networking events is incredibly limiting. Networking events (and “networking” can encompass a huge galaxy of circumstances from true meet-and-greet situations to business meetings and conferences) should serve as the jumping off point for establishing a range of communications with someone. Too often people are afraid or reluctant to re-establish contact with someone whom they don’t know very well. But that should be viewed as an opportunity. It’s when we blatantly use people and say silly things like, “I think we can help each other blah, blah, blah” that we get ourselves into trouble. Isn’t it obvious that we’re trying to help each other? Yes, but what’s not obvious is what you’re actually willing to do to help someone you’ve just. In other words, you have to be honest about it.
    For instance, if you want to expand your network for the purpose of bringing in more business (or enlarging your professional world) then you need to be sincere. I don’t mean just act sincere (this is different, by the way, than “acting as if”); I mean that you should really and truly demonstrate curiosity. People can almost always tell the difference. So when you’re building your list of contacts make sure that the people being added to your list aren’t just individuals who might be nice to know but those who are interesting to you. Otherwise communicating with them will almost always be a chore and something you eventually come to resent. 
















































Open Two Accounts for Your Hotel Room to Ease Your Expense Reporting Hassle

Open Two Accounts for Your Hotel Room to Ease Your Expense Reporting Hassle

So, recently, my boss and I had this conversation:


Ken, I noticed you watched a movie in your hotel room during your stay in Chicago.


I did, I watched “Alien vs. Predator.”  It was a terrible movie, but I learned that an Alien’s jaws will penetrate a hardhat or safety helmet, that was pretty cool.


Movies aren’t expensible.


I’m sorry, but according to the company policy, they are expensible.


Well, my policy is to increase the bottom line and as long as you work for me, you won’t expense movies.


I hope an Alien eats your kid.


What was that?


I said, “I’m off to copy and resubmit!”


Good, good.  I don’t care if you do bring in $50,000 worth of revenue every week; $13.99 is too much to waste on a movie.  You should sit in your hotel room and eat rice cakes every night.  I remember once when I was a green sub-adult like you, I could go a week on the company dime without food or water for a month  or more…

*sigh* Traveling sure isn’t what it used to be.  The “generous expense account” is a thing of the past.  If you work for a company like mine, separating and sorting your incidental hotel expenses away from the room rate and taxes is a tricky and unnecessarily ridiculous thing to have to do.  It has gotten to the point where I would rather avoid a hotel restaurant completely than charge a meal to my room. 


Here’s a trick that will help.  When you check in, give the desk clerk two credit cards.  Heck, give her three!  You can open as many accounts with the hotel as you like.  Then tell the desk clerk, “Please charge movies and souvenirs to this card, room rate and taxes to this card, and meals, laundry, and business center expenses to this one.”  When you check out, you’ll have three different folios, and they’ll each be itemized for your own personal use or for expensing.  Bang, no more stupid spreadsheets to complete on the plane trip home!


This little tip is not without risk however, you must be diligent with the desk clerk.  For example, the clerk at the J.W. Marriott in San Francisco this last week was quick to open an incidental account for me, but at checkout time she lost the folio with the room rates on it.  I was presented with a bill for $14.33 for the entire week… I talked to the desk manager and he was able to find the other folio for $1,498.  When I got home, I logged in and completed my expense report (quickly, since I didn’t have to separate and itemize the bill) and that was that.  Or so I thought…


I checked the balance of my Marriott Rewards account today and learned that they only credited my account with the points from the movie!  “What?” I thought, “I stayed a week in a frickin J.W. Marriott and I only got 146 points??”  So, I called Mr. Michael Wlodkowski, the site manager for that hotel (He must hate me.  This is the same hotel with the crazed Japanese turn down service lady that sneaks into your room after 10pm to wake you up for some chocolate… we’ve spoken before). 


“Hi Mike, it’s me, Ken Walker.” 

(Audible sigh) 

“Yea your desk clerk only submitted 146 points for my stay last week.  Any idea what happened?”

“I’ll look into it.”  (Another sigh)


It turns out, she opened the accounts for me, but she failed to apply my Marriott Rewards credentials to the new account!  Make sure you ask the desk clerk, “Oh, can you make sure my Hilton/Hyatt/Marriott points account number is on this new account as well?”


OH, and you should avoid the Alien/Predator movie.  It was truly awful.  

1 2 Next Page
















































Find a Tax Prepaper for Your Business

Find a Tax Prepaper for Your Business

If you are like me, you might be a little intimidated by doing your own taxes as a small business owner (or even, especially, if you own a larger company). If you are considering hiring a tax preparer to help out this year, this video can help you determine the questions you should ask as you interview preparers.

Some ideas include asking the preparer if they have worked with businesses similar in size and type and if they offer electronic filing.
















































Jewellery store – insure your valuable items

Jewellery store – insure your valuable items

Home » Business Tips » Jewellery store – insure your valuable items
March 23, 2017 Frank Bullock Business Tips

Having a jewellery store is a huge responsibility, because you know that you cannot afford to lose any one of the items you have listed on sale. If other stores do not mind if they are not able to find a pair of jeans or other items, you will get yourself in great financial problems if one of your jewelleries disappear. So, you should do your best to protect and insure them. Sometimes even the best security program fails, and burglars are able somehow to enter the store. High value jewellery is an example of items that benefit tremendously if you choose to insure them. Not only that the items are valuable, but the majority of them are portable and small and they are easy to steal or lose. So whether you have diamonds jewelleries, gold necklaces or other expensive items, you should make sure that you talk with an insurer from the moment you intend to purchase the items, because you have to be sure that they are safe and secure when they get to your store.

You can extend the insurance coverage for the valuable items

You have expensive items in your store, so it is advisable to opt for a special coverage for them, because the regular one is not sufficient. In case you have a regular one, then you should talk with the provider and ask them to extend the limit that you receive now. The result is that your items will be insured against a bigger loss, and you will receive money from the insurance, if they are lost. The exact sum to which you will be able to extend the coverage is up to the company you collaborate with.

You can opt for scheduled items insurance

In case you do not consider important to insure all the items from your store, then you have the possibility to make a list with the most valuable ones and get insurance policy for them. Scheduling insurance comes with many benefits, because it increases the money limit coverage and it protects you against virtually any type of loss. You should check with the insurance company, because there are some specific exclusions, and it is better to know them from the beginning.

Why do you need jewellery insurance?

Working in this domain should have brought you some knowledge on the fact that jewellery is a prime target for theft and it is easy to lose a valuable item like this. It is better to protect both you and your business from any negative financial impact, because losing the items from the store will affect your bank account.

Talk with an expert

In order for the valuable items to be properly insured, you should make sure that the insurer determines the right sum for them. You should know that the company will definitely ask you to prove the value of the jewellery items, and even if they do not ask for it at the beginning, in case of theft or loss they will require it.

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Five Indications That Custom Adhesives Could Benefit Your Business

Five Indications That Custom Adhesives Could Benefit Your Business

Home » Business Tips » Five Indications That Custom Adhesives Could Benefit Your Business
May 2, 2017 Frank Bullock Business Tips

If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. A motto millions of people all over the world live their lives by every day, without even realising it. Particularly in the business world, it is common, natural and to some extent logical to follow this particular way of thinking.  After all, if any specific business process seems to be running just fine as it already is, what’s the point in trying to change it?

Well, the simple answer is that when it comes to business – not to mention many other areas of life – ‘just fine’ are always be improved upon.  To look at things another way, why settle for ‘just fine’ when you could instead target something truly outstanding?  This is often what makes the difference between a business that simply ticks over at a steady pace and one that thrives.  As in the latter bracket are never content with ‘good enough’ and are always striving for more.

Which is precisely where 3M preferred convertors and bespoke adhesive manufacturers in general come into the equation.  Particularly for those working in manufacturing capacities, it is very easy to become somewhat complacent and set in your ways.  The reason being that if you are manufacturing something that is successful and doing so in a manner that is reasonably efficient, reliable and cost-effective, you’d be forgiven for thinking there is no real area (or requirement) for improvement.  But at the same time, if you are looking to really take your business to the next level, bringing bespoke adhesive products into the manufacturing process really can make an extraordinary difference.

Not convinced?  Here are just five of the many indications that your business really could benefit significantly, by adopting the latest bespoke adhesives from a reliable manufacturer:

1 – You Want to Speed Up Production

First and foremost, if there was a way of speeding up the production process without in any way impacting overall product quality, chances are 100 out of 100 manufacturing business owners would do exactly that.  Which is precisely what switching to the right adhesive products can do.  Whatever alternative you are currently using – mechanical fixings, welding etc. – adhesives that are built for purpose can make the manufacturer process exponentially quicker.  And they can do so while effectively improving the overall quality of the products you are putting out.  Whichever way you look at it, these amount to the kinds of priceless benefits that are impossible (or at least unwise) to overlook.

2 – You Want to Reduce Product Weight

In any manufacturing capacities, keeping the weight of the final product to an absolute minimum represents a real priority.  This could be to do with facilitating easier logistics, or simply the way in which the end buyer would prefer the products to be as light as possible.  In any case, moving away from manual fixings and using high quality adhesives as an alternative is a great way of going about the job.  Compared to things like standard screws, bolts, brackets and so on, adhesives like custom adhesive tape add practically zero additional weight to your final products.  They are also significantly easier to handle in general.

3 – You Want to Save Money on Joining Methods

And not only are the easier to handle, but on a join-for-join basis, you could also save an absolute fortune by switching to custom adhesive products.  The more items you manufacturer and assemble on a daily basis, the bigger the savings could be with the right adhesive.  It’s not as if Manual fixings are particularly expensive these days, but even so, the right adhesive product could still work out exponentially cheaper, amounting to enormous savings over the long-term.

4 – You’re Concerned About Health and Safety

A quick point but an important point nonetheless, high quality adhesives can be manufactured in such a manner that they are comprehensively safe to handling use in pretty much any environment.  As such, the right adhesive for your manufacturing needs could make a real difference to health and safety, while at the same time optimising the manufacturing process through simple ease of application.  There’s also a little to no learning curve involved, when it comes to the use of high quality adhesives.

5 – You Haven’t Yet Tried It Out

Last but not least, while it’s always difficult to break long-term habits in the business world, this is one change from which there is often no going back.  In most instances, a leading bespoke adhesive company will be more than happy to provide you with samples and prototypes, in order for you to try them out for yourself and see exactly what they can do.  You’ll either be blown away or not particularly impressed, but in either case there is absolutely nothing to lose by trying it out for yourself.

And should you find that custom adhesives really are the way forward for your business, you might find yourself wondering how you ever got by without them.


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shop marketing agent | door2door marketing operation pune

When it comes to Promotional Marketing and its associated services shop marketing agent | door2door marketing operation pune, we like to think we know a thing or two. After all, we’ve been doing it for a quarter of a century!

As a long established and reliable partner to brands and agencies, we provide a proactive and helpful account management team to help work through your marketing objectives. Technology is at the heart of everything we deliver – from live online reporting through to cashback platforms and ecommerce websites, we utilise the latest technology to deliver efficiencies in handling and transparency of our operation.

Fulcrum provides a flexible approach – allowing you to focus on your brand, while we take care of the detail behind the scenes

For the team here at Fulcrum it’s all about how to help a brand to drive sales, manage logistics – using the power of our people, our processes and our technology. Our people are drawn from a variety of commercial backgrounds including agency, experiential, btl and fieldwork.

We do the research on new trends, Marketing and Btl solutions and effective ways of working

we provide a comprehensive a range of promotional solutions to major organisations working to promote their businesses and brands. These solutions relate to the issuing, validation, redemption and settlement of…

RETAILER OFFERS – loyalty vouchers, coupons & points, complex & personalised targeted promotions, trigger offers

STORED VALUE INSTRUMENTS – gift, savings, points, general ‘spend’ cards or virtual cards
MANUFACTURER COUPONS – including 3rd party and affinity partner programmes
…whether physical or digital, for customer present and online transactions.

Our services are operational in the mumbai and pune (where we support all major grocery retailers, FMCG manufacturers, and many leading multi-retailer environments).

Who are we?

Fulcrum specialises in the provision of marketing, Btl and leaflet distribution services within the Marketing and all sector.

How can we help?

Over the years we have innovated our core capabilities through excellent IT infrastructure and customer service, to provide a one stop shop for all your promotional, fulfilment and distribution needs.

We are dedicated to helping our customers achieve growth, customer retention and increased profitability through the combination of our expert marketing support services.


Brand Activation


Marketing idea an tips , info , case study

Managing the Sales Force : Creating Sales Force Structure, Territories, and Goals

Managing the Sales Force

Creating Sales Force Structure, Territories, and Goals

Creating the proper sales force structure, territoires, and goals leads to customer, sales force and firm satisfaction.


Explain the components of and rationale behind sales force, territory and sales goal creation


Key Points

  • The sales force structure will guide the sales force and impact the company’s bottom line.
  • Sales territories are the customer groups or geographic districts for which individual sales people or sales teams hold responsibility.
  • The purpose of a sales force coverage (or sales territory) metric is to create balanced sales territories.
  • When setting sale quotas, sales managers should compare results to past performance, not forecasts.

Key Terms

  • buying power: purchasing power
  • quota: A prescribed number or percentage that may serve as, for example, a maximum, a minimum, or a goal.


Sales operations are a set of business activities and processes that help a sales organization run effectively, efficiently, and in support of business strategies and objectives. Sales operations may also be referred to as sales operations, sales support, or business operations. The set of sales operations activities vary from company to company but often include these nine categories:

  • Sales strategy: design, planning, execution;
  • Measurement of results: reporting, analytics and sales data;
  • Compensation, sales quota, policies;
  • Technology and tools, including CRM;
  • Training and sales communication;
  • Sales territory design and optimization;
  • Contests/spiffs;
  • Lead generation/sales programs; and
  • Customer segmentation.

Creating The Sales Force Structure

How will the sales process be structured? The answer to that question, an important one, depends on the company’s strategy. The resulting structure will guide the sales force and their actions and will, therefore, impact the company’s bottom line.

When developing the sales force structure, sales managers must:

  • Figure out the right mix of generalists, product, market, or activity specialist with the objective of balancing sales force productivity. What is the right mix? That depends on the company and it’s offerings.
  • Design a reporting structure that makes it easy to both coordinate and control the sales process and the activities of the salespeople.
  • Help the sales people achieve their goals (and reduce stress) by providing training, coaching, incentives, information support, and performance management.

Designing Territories

Sales territories are the customer groups or geographic districts for which individual sales people or sales teams hold responsibility. Territories can be defined on the basis of geography, sales potential, history, or a combination of factors. Companies strive to balance their territories, because this can reduce costs and increase sales.


The purpose of a sales force coverage (or sales territory) metric is to create balanced sales territories.

There are a number of ways to analyze territories. The most common approach is to assess them based on their potential or size.

If there is a large difference between territories, or they change over time, sales people may have either too much or not enough work. Too much work can cause the sales person to neglect some customers, while too little could lead to over-servicing the customers.

Both actions can cost the firm revenue.

In addition, if the sales person thinks that the territory distribution is unfair, they may leave and wind up working for a competitor.

So, balanced territory allocation is important to keep customers, sales people, and the firm, as a whole, satisfied.

“Sales potential forecast” can be used to determine sales targets and to help identify territories worthy of an allocation of limited resources.

A sales potential forecast is a forecast of the number of prospects and their buying power. It does not assess the likelihood of converting “potential” accounts.

Sales potential can be represented in a number of ways. Of these, the most basic is population (i.e., the number of potential accounts in a territory). In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 62% responded that they found the “sales potential forecast” metric very useful.


Before they even begin to design new territories, a sales force manager should determine the workloads of all members of the sales team.

The workload for a territory can be calculated as follows:

Workload (#) = [Current accounts (#) * Average time to service an active account (#)] + [Prospects (#) * Time spent trying to convert a prospect into an active account (#)]

They should also determine the sales potential in a particular territory.

The sales potential in a territory can be determined as follows:

Sales potential ($) = Number of possible accounts (#) x Buying power ($)

A third metric that is just as important as the other two is to compare territories. Managers can look at the respective size of each territory or, more specifically, the travel time (the amount of time needed to reach customers and potential customers).

Creating Sales Quotas

Sales goals are commonly stated in terms of quotas. A sales quota is the minimum sales goal for a set time span. A sales quota may be minimum amount of dollars (monetary value) or product sold (volume). Sales quotas may also be for sales activity, such as number of calls per day. The time span could be set for the day, week, month, or fiscal quarter or year.

Management usually sets the sales quota and the sales territory, but it’s not easy. When setting quotas, successful sales managers tend to:

  • Ask for less than they think the sales person can deliver;
  • Compare results to past performance, not forecasts; and
  • Ensure that the compensation scheme allows the sales force to make money when the company does.


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 Direct Marketing agent pune, Experiential marketing Service Provider Agency pune, Marketing activation Activity pune ,
On ground marketing business pune, shop marketing agent pune, door2door marketing operation pune,
BTL marketing operation pune, Field marketing operationpune , campus Marketing operation ,
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Experiential marketing Service Provider Agency | Marketing activation Activity pune

Fulcrum Marketing is a creative promotions marketing agency with over 10 years’ combined experience in the FMCG, Insurance, Automotive, Banking, Telecoms, White Goods and Retail sectors.

We create innovative marketing strategies using free-to-consumer rewards that engage and excite – whether that’s tactical promotional activity to boost acquisition or retention or long-term loyalty and engagement programmes.

We offer the widest range of established promotional offers, together with the skills and experience necessary to produce a bespoke solution to drive sales and offer great ROI, whilst using our own loyalty and reward platforms gives us a competitive edge in terms of both costings and response time.


Fulcrum Marketing is a creative promotions marketing agency where consumer incentive ideas fill our hearts, minds and souls.

We love thinking, learning and driving innovative campaigns for your brand.

We love a challenge.


Fulcrum Marketing was founded in 2007 to offer innovative marketing strategies that engage and excite consumers. At FulcrumMarketing we understand it is difficult for brands to get stand-out and engage with consumers on an emotional level.

Our role is to continually develop new, innovative promotional solutions that offer high value incentives at a fraction of retail cost. This is as an alternative to heavily discounting.

We offer Marketing solutions that work!

Because we have the widest range of established promotional offers, along with a skilled and experienced team, which is necessary to produce a best marketing solution to drive sales and offer unrivaled ROI.

About Us

Fulcrum is a dynamic, creative agency that partners with leading consumer brands across a spectrum of industries, supporting both their domestic marketing strategies through a wide variety of creative brand solutions and value-added services.

We specialise in developing and delivering engaging solutions for a whole host of global brands, from creative, branded merchandise with inspiring packaging and POS options to tailored print management services.

Our Values

Our growth and continued success is built on core company values such as quality, value, service, passion and innovation.

Our Ethics

Every factory we use is personally assessed by our staff for quality, working conditions and the ethical treatment of workers.

Supply Chain Management

We project manage your product from concept to completion. Relax in the knowledge that your brand is in safe hands.


We are a responsible organisation that implements good processes with a focus on environmental sustainability.

Our Values

Our core values are what guide us as a company and individuals. These values are at the heart of everything we do:


Deliver excellent standards consistently.


Ensure exceptional value for our customers.


Provide the highest standard of service to our customers.


Remain at the forefront of innovation in both design and manufacturing.


We are the most trusted supplier. The integrity of your brand is in safe hands.


We are passionate about what we do and strive to exceed customer expectations.

Experiential marketing Service Provider Agency | Marketing activation Activity pune


Brand Activation

The Market Research Process

The Market Research Process

Defining Objectives and Formulating Problems

Defining the problem and research objectives is the first step involved in the marketing research process.


Outline objectives and problems as part of the marketing research process


Key Points

  • The marketing research process involves six steps: 1: problem definition, 2: development of an approach to the problem, 3: research design formulation, 4: data collection, 5: data preparation and analysis, and 6: report preparation and presentation.
  • The first step in any marketing research study is to define the problem, while taking into account the purpose of the study, the relevant background information, what information is needed, and how it will be used in decision making.
  • This stage involves discussion with the decision makers, interviews with industry experts, analysis of secondary data, and, perhaps, some qualitative research, such as focus groups.
  • There are three types of objectives that can be deployed in marketing research: exploratory research, descriptive research, and causal research.

Key Terms

  • Marketing Research: The function that links the consumers, customers, and public to the marketer through information. This information is used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process.
  • Objective: Not influenced by irrational emotions or prejudices.
  • Systematic: Carried out using a planned, ordered procedure.
  • ethnographic research: information regarding cultural phenomena

Marketing Research Is Systematic and Objective:

  • Systematic planning is required at all the stages of the marketing research process. The procedures followed at each stage are methodologically sound, well documented, and, as much as possible, planned in advance. Marketing research uses the scientific method in that data are collected and analyzed to test prior notions or hypotheses.
  • Marketing research aims to provide accurate information that reflects a true state of affairs and, thus, should be conducted impartially. While research is always influenced by the researcher’s research philosophy, it should be free from the personal or political biases of the researcher or the management.

Overview of the Marketing Research Process:

  • Step 1: Problem Definition
  • Step 2: Development of an Approach to the Problem
  • Step 3: Research Design Formulation
  • Step 4: Field Work or Data Collection
  • Step 5: Data Preparation and Analysis
  • Step 6: Report Preparation and Presentation

Step 1: Problem Definition

Define the problem and research objectives. The first step in any marketing research study is to define the problem, while taking into account the purpose of the study, the relevant background information, what information is needed, and how it will be used in decision making. This stage involves discussion with the decision makers, interviews with industry experts, analysis of secondary data, and, perhaps, some qualitative research, such as focus groups. There are three types of objectives that can be deployed in marketing research:

A series of question marks.

What’s the Problem?: The first stage of the marketing research process involves defining the problem.

1. Exploratory research

  • Used to better define a problem or scout opportunities.
  • In-depth interviews and discussions groups are commonly used.

2. Descriptive research

  • Used to assess a situation in the marketplace (i.e., potential for a specific product or consumer attitudes).
  • Methods include personal interviews and surveys.

3. Causal research

  • Used for testing cause and effect relationships.
  • Typically through estimation.

Plan the Research Design

The research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project.


Describe the formulation of research design within the context of the marketing research process


Key Points

  • The marketing research process is comprised of six steps: 1: problem definition, 2: development of an approach to the problem, 3: research design formulation, 4: field work or data collection, 5: data preparation and analysis and, 6: report preparation and presentation.
  • It details the procedures necessary for obtaining the required information, and its purpose is to design a study that will test the hypotheses of interest, determine possible answers to the research questions, and provide the information needed for decision making.
  • Decisions also are made regarding what data should be obtained from the respondents (e.g., by conducting a survey or an experiment), and a questionnaire and sampling plan also are designed in order to select the most appropriate respondents for the study.
  • Research design involves secondary data analysis; qualitative research; quantitative data methods (survey, observation, and experimentation); information needed; measurement and scaling procedures; questionnaire design; sampling process and sample size; and a plan of data analysis.

Key Terms

  • Marketing Research: The function that links the consumers, customers, and public to the marketer through information. This information is used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process.
  • secondary data: information collected by someone other than the user of the data
  • Qualitative research: A method of inquiry employed in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences but also in market research and further contexts.
  • Secondary Research: This process involves the summary, collation, and synthesis of existing research rather than primary research, where data is collected from subjects or experiments.
  • survey research: information from a predetermined set of questions that is given to a sample and is used to assess thoughts, opinions, and feelings

The Marketing Research Process is comprised of the following steps:

  • Step 1: Problem Definition
  • Step 2: Development of an Approach to the Problem
  • Step 3: Research Design Formulation
  • Step 4: Field Work or Data Collection
  • Step 5: Data Preparation and Analysis
  • Step 6: Report Preparation and Presentation

Step 2: Development of an Approach to the Problem

Step two includes formulating an objective or theoretical framework, analytical models, research questions, hypotheses, and identifying characteristics or factors that can influence the research design. This process is guided by discussions with management and industry experts, case studies and simulations, analysis of secondary data, qualitative research, and pragmatic considerations.

A group of businessmen work on a series of plans that are displayed on an office wall.

Research Planning: Planning involves creating and maintaining a plan.

Step 3: Research Design Formulation

A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project. It details the procedures necessary for obtaining the required information, and its purpose is to design a study that will test the hypotheses of interest, determine possible answers to the research questions, and provide the information needed for decision making. Decisions are also made regarding what data should be obtained from the respondents (e,g,, by conducting a survey or an experiment). A questionnaire and sampling plan also are designed in order to select the most appropriate respondents for the study. The following steps are involved in formulating a research design:

  • Secondary data analysis (based on secondary research)
  • Qualitative research
  • Methods of collecting quantitative data (survey, observation, and experimentation)
  • Definition of the information needed
  • Measurement and scaling procedures
  • Questionnaire design
  • Sampling process and sample size
  • Plan of data analysis
A man and woman look at a book in a library.

Conducting Secondary Research: Secondary data analysis is one of the steps involved in formulating a research design.

Developing the research plan for collecting information:

The research plan outlines sources of existing data and spells out the specific research approaches, contact methods, sampling plans, and instruments that researchers will use to gather data. This plan includes a written proposal that outlines the management problem, research objectives, information required, how the results will help management decisions, and the budget allocated for the research.

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With so many new ways to reach your potential customer, it is essential to protect the integrity of your brand message”


Fulcrum has succeeded over 10 years by continually innovating providing clients with marketing services they need modern trade marketing | Direct Marketing agent pune. Our core work today is very different to that of when we first opened our doors but what has not changed is our commitment to service, creative thinking and generating results.

Direct Marketing
Strategic planning and delivery of targeted direct marketing campaigns to generate a strong ROI

Data consultancy
Creative design and production
Print and digital

Tactical ad solutions or full multi media campaign planning, concept and execution
Print and digital media
Production and delivery to chosen media

Creative Design
From initial concept development through to finished production and delivery

Press, print and digital media
From corporate identity to point of sale

Experiential Marketing
Take your brand to the right people

Real world and virtual (augmented reality)
Exhibitions and shows
Guerrilla activity

Sales Promotion
Plan and execute activity in all channels to achieve tactical marketing objectives

From concept through to delivery and performance analysis
All media

Campaign Delivery
Creative design
On-line and off-line direct marketing channels
In-house studio production
Print buying and distribution logistics

Marketing performance

Marketing performance analysis
Customer value delivered by marketing channels
Cross channel marketing budget allocation
Optimising allocation of multiple brand propositions to individuals
Customer understanding
Propensity modelling
Response and value predictive models for home shoppers
Product affinity segmentation
Impact of contact density on consumer response
Using on-line browsing to predict purchase propensity


About us

Fulcrum is a dynamic, creative agency that specialises in developing and delivering engaging sales promotion, retail merchandise and on-brand promotional products.

From local sourced products to any marketing projects, we partner with leading consumer brands to develop merchandise to support the execution of their global sales and marketing strategies.

we provide our clients with the project management platform required to generate and deliver creative & Inspiring branded merchandise solutions, however simple or complex they may seem.

Through our unique combination of design talent, manufacturing scope, buying power and global distribution expertise, we can provide multi-territory fulfilment of creative products tailored to our clients’ exact requirements.

modern trade marketing | Direct Marketing agent pune

The Market Research Process

The Market Research Process

Defining Objectives and Formulating Problems

Defining the problem and research objectives is the first step involved in the marketing research process.


Outline objectives and problems as part of the marketing research process


Key Points

  • The marketing research process involves six steps: 1: problem definition, 2: development of an approach to the problem, 3: research design formulation, 4: data collection, 5: data preparation and analysis, and 6: report preparation and presentation.
  • The first step in any marketing research study is to define the problem, while taking into account the purpose of the study, the relevant background information, what information is needed, and how it will be used in decision making.
  • This stage involves discussion with the decision makers, interviews with industry experts, analysis of secondary data, and, perhaps, some qualitative research, such as focus groups.
  • There are three types of objectives that can be deployed in marketing research: exploratory research, descriptive research, and causal research.

Key Terms

  • Marketing Research: The function that links the consumers, customers, and public to the marketer through information. This information is used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process.
  • Objective: Not influenced by irrational emotions or prejudices.
  • Systematic: Carried out using a planned, ordered procedure.
  • ethnographic research: information regarding cultural phenomena

Marketing Research Is Systematic and Objective:

  • Systematic planning is required at all the stages of the marketing research process. The procedures followed at each stage are methodologically sound, well documented, and, as much as possible, planned in advance. Marketing research uses the scientific method in that data are collected and analyzed to test prior notions or hypotheses.
  • Marketing research aims to provide accurate information that reflects a true state of affairs and, thus, should be conducted impartially. While research is always influenced by the researcher’s research philosophy, it should be free from the personal or political biases of the researcher or the management.

Overview of the Marketing Research Process:

  • Step 1: Problem Definition
  • Step 2: Development of an Approach to the Problem
  • Step 3: Research Design Formulation
  • Step 4: Field Work or Data Collection
  • Step 5: Data Preparation and Analysis
  • Step 6: Report Preparation and Presentation

Step 1: Problem Definition

Define the problem and research objectives. The first step in any marketing research study is to define the problem, while taking into account the purpose of the study, the relevant background information, what information is needed, and how it will be used in decision making. This stage involves discussion with the decision makers, interviews with industry experts, analysis of secondary data, and, perhaps, some qualitative research, such as focus groups. There are three types of objectives that can be deployed in marketing research:

A series of question marks.

What’s the Problem?: The first stage of the marketing research process involves defining the problem.

1. Exploratory research

  • Used to better define a problem or scout opportunities.
  • In-depth interviews and discussions groups are commonly used.

2. Descriptive research

  • Used to assess a situation in the marketplace (i.e., potential for a specific product or consumer attitudes).
  • Methods include personal interviews and surveys.

3. Causal research

  • Used for testing cause and effect relationships.
  • Typically through estimation.

Plan the Research Design

The research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project.


Describe the formulation of research design within the context of the marketing research process


Key Points

  • The marketing research process is comprised of six steps: 1: problem definition, 2: development of an approach to the problem, 3: research design formulation, 4: field work or data collection, 5: data preparation and analysis and, 6: report preparation and presentation.
  • It details the procedures necessary for obtaining the required information, and its purpose is to design a study that will test the hypotheses of interest, determine possible answers to the research questions, and provide the information needed for decision making.
  • Decisions also are made regarding what data should be obtained from the respondents (e.g., by conducting a survey or an experiment), and a questionnaire and sampling plan also are designed in order to select the most appropriate respondents for the study.
  • Research design involves secondary data analysis; qualitative research; quantitative data methods (survey, observation, and experimentation); information needed; measurement and scaling procedures; questionnaire design; sampling process and sample size; and a plan of data analysis.

Key Terms

  • Marketing Research: The function that links the consumers, customers, and public to the marketer through information. This information is used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process.
  • secondary data: information collected by someone other than the user of the data
  • Qualitative research: A method of inquiry employed in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences but also in market research and further contexts.
  • Secondary Research: This process involves the summary, collation, and synthesis of existing research rather than primary research, where data is collected from subjects or experiments.
  • survey research: information from a predetermined set of questions that is given to a sample and is used to assess thoughts, opinions, and feelings

The Marketing Research Process is comprised of the following steps:

  • Step 1: Problem Definition
  • Step 2: Development of an Approach to the Problem
  • Step 3: Research Design Formulation
  • Step 4: Field Work or Data Collection
  • Step 5: Data Preparation and Analysis
  • Step 6: Report Preparation and Presentation

Step 2: Development of an Approach to the Problem

Step two includes formulating an objective or theoretical framework, analytical models, research questions, hypotheses, and identifying characteristics or factors that can influence the research design. This process is guided by discussions with management and industry experts, case studies and simulations, analysis of secondary data, qualitative research, and pragmatic considerations.

A group of businessmen work on a series of plans that are displayed on an office wall.

Research Planning: Planning involves creating and maintaining a plan.

Step 3: Research Design Formulation

A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project. It details the procedures necessary for obtaining the required information, and its purpose is to design a study that will test the hypotheses of interest, determine possible answers to the research questions, and provide the information needed for decision making. Decisions are also made regarding what data should be obtained from the respondents (e,g,, by conducting a survey or an experiment). A questionnaire and sampling plan also are designed in order to select the most appropriate respondents for the study. The following steps are involved in formulating a research design:

  • Secondary data analysis (based on secondary research)
  • Qualitative research
  • Methods of collecting quantitative data (survey, observation, and experimentation)
  • Definition of the information needed
  • Measurement and scaling procedures
  • Questionnaire design
  • Sampling process and sample size
  • Plan of data analysis
A man and woman look at a book in a library.

Conducting Secondary Research: Secondary data analysis is one of the steps involved in formulating a research design.

Developing the research plan for collecting information:

The research plan outlines sources of existing data and spells out the specific research approaches, contact methods, sampling plans, and instruments that researchers will use to gather data. This plan includes a written proposal that outlines the management problem, research objectives, information required, how the results will help management decisions, and the budget allocated for the research.

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 Direct Marketing agent pune , Experiential marketing Service Provider Agency pune, Marketing activation Activity pune ,
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BTL marketing operation pune , Field marketing operation pune, campus Marketing operation pune ,
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modern trade marketing | Direct Marketing agent pune