retail marketing Agent | door to door marketing Agent maharashtra

When it comes to Promotional Marketing and its associated services retail marketing Agent | door to door marketing Agent maharashtra, we like to think we know a thing or two. After all, we’ve been doing it for a quarter of a century!

As a long established and reliable partner to brands and agencies, we provide a proactive and helpful account management team to help work through your marketing objectives. Technology is at the heart of everything we deliver – from live online reporting through to cashback platforms and ecommerce websites, we utilise the latest technology to deliver efficiencies in handling and transparency of our operation.

Fulcrum provides a flexible approach – allowing you to focus on your brand, while we take care of the detail behind the scenes

For the team here at Fulcrum it’s all about how to help a brand to drive sales, manage logistics – using the power of our people, our processes and our technology. Our people are drawn from a variety of commercial backgrounds including agency, experiential, btl and fieldwork.

We do the research on new trends, Marketing and Btl solutions and effective ways of working

we provide a comprehensive a range of promotional solutions to major organisations working to promote their businesses and brands. These solutions relate to the issuing, validation, redemption and settlement of…

RETAILER OFFERS – loyalty vouchers, coupons & points, complex & personalised targeted promotions, trigger offers

STORED VALUE INSTRUMENTS – gift, savings, points, general ‘spend’ cards or virtual cards
MANUFACTURER COUPONS – including 3rd party and affinity partner programmes
…whether physical or digital, for customer present and online transactions.

Our services are operational in the mumbai and pune (where we support all major grocery retailers, FMCG manufacturers, and many leading multi-retailer environments).

Who are we?

Fulcrum specialises in the provision of marketing, Btl and leaflet distribution services within the Marketing and all sector.

How can we help?

Over the years we have innovated our core capabilities through excellent IT infrastructure and customer service, to provide a one stop shop for all your promotional, fulfilment and distribution needs.

We are dedicated to helping our customers achieve growth, customer retention and increased profitability through the combination of our expert marketing support services.


Brand Activation


Marketing idea an tips , info , case study

The Advertising Campaign : product benefits in advertising campaigns

The Advertising Campaign

Identifying Product Benefits

Identifying product benefits involves finding out what the customer really wants and needs, not just listing a variety of product features.


Demonstrate the application and use of product benefits in advertising campaigns


Key Points

  • Product features include such factors as form, color, size, weight, odor, material, and tactile qualities.
  • A benefit answers the question, “So What? “.
  • The Voice of the Customer is a market research technique that produces a detailed set of customer wants and needs, organized into a hierarchical structure, and then prioritized in terms of relative importance and satisfaction with current alternatives.

Key Terms

  • Voice of the customer: Voice of the customer (VOC) is a term used in business and Information Technology (through ITIL, for example) to describe the in-depth process of capturing a customer’s expectations, preferences, and aversions.
  • sample: A subset of a population selected for measurement, observation, or questioning, to provide statistical information about the population.


It’s one o’clock in the afternoon and you’re starving. You pass by a deli and see various types of ready-made sandwiches in the window. What will make you buy one of them? The whole grain bread? The organic ingredients? While your hunger drives the initial buying behavior (the benefit), there are other, more subtle, components to selecting one sandwich from many (product features). This concept of user needs is layered and complex, and marketers must first identify consumer needs, and then ensure benefits will fulfill those needs and features will drive advantage.

Features and Benefits

You’ve just seen the difference between features and benefits. Features tell you what the product is — a chicken sandwich made with organic ingredients and whole grain bread. The benefit — I’m starving and I need something to satisfy my hunger — is what sells it.

Product features include such factors as form, color, size, weight, odor, material, and tactile qualities. A new car can offer thousands of alternatives when one considers the exterior and interior options. Features are important as they may help back up the benefit. But consumers will not buy the car unless it provides them with a benefit.

A benefit answers the question, “So What? ” While the development of ultra-high-speed photographic film was a research breakthrough, whether consumers perceive this as a benefit can only be answered by them. Profitable products must align the need of the consumer with the benefit of the product.


Second Generation iPods: The iPod wasn’t the first mp3 player, but it was the first one that gave consumers the benefits they were searching for.

In a functional sense, the key question is: “Does the product do what the consumer wants it to do? ” Does it get clothes clean? Does it quench your thirst? Does it save you money? Some of these questions can be answered only through product research, but consumer research provides more answers.

Voice of the Customer

Voice of the customer (VOC) is a term used in business and Information Technology (through ITIL, for example) to describe the in-depth process of capturing a customer’s expectations, preferences, and aversions.This is the type of research that marketers need to perform to find out what their customers really perceive as benefits.

Specifically, the VOC is a market research technique that produces a detailed set of customer wants and needs, organized into a hierarchical structure, and then prioritized in terms of relative importance and satisfaction with current alternatives.

VOC studies typically consist of both qualitative and quantitative research steps. They are generally conducted at the start of any new product, process, or service design initiative to better understand the customer’s wants and needs, and as the key input for new product definition, Quality Function Deployment (QFD), and the setting of detailed design specifications.

Much has been written about this process, and there are many possible ways to gather the information – focus groups, individual interviews, contextual inquiry, ethnographic techniques, and so on. But all involve a series of structured in-depth interviews, which focus on the customers’ experiences with current products or alternatives within the category under consideration. Needs statements are then extracted, organized into a more usable hierarchy, and then prioritized by the customers.

It is critical that the product development core team are highly involved in this process. They must be the ones who take the lead in defining the topic, designing the sample (i.e. the types of customers to include), generating the questions for the discussion guide, either conducting or observing and analyzing the interviews, and extracting and processing the needs statements.

Qualities of Desirable Voice of Customer Metrics

Talking to customers to determine what they see as benefits is just the first step. The next step is making sure that the data you obtain is useful. The metrics you can use to make this determination are:

  • Credibility: How widely accepted is the measure? Does it have a good track record of results? Is it based on a scientifically and academically rigorous methodology? Will management trust it? Is there proof that it is tied to financial results?
  • Reliability: Is it a consistent standard that can be applied across the customer lifecycle and multiple channels?
  • Precision: Is it specific enough to provide insight? Does it use multiple related questions to deliver greater accuracy and insight?
  • Accuracy: Is the measurement right? Is it representative of the entire customer base or just an outspoken minority? Do the questions capture self-reported importance or can they derive importance based on what customers say? Does it have an acceptable margin of error and realistic sample sizes?
  • Actionability: Does it provide any insight into what can be done to encourage customers to be loyal and to purchase? Does it prioritize improvements according to biggest impacts?
  • Ability to predict: Can it project the future behaviors of the customer based on their satisfaction?


Advertising ideas

Promotional Idea

Marketing Ideas

Marketing Ideas 1

Events Ideas

Marketing Management and Strategic Planning

 Guide to Online Marketing

Sales Management & Planning

Advertising and Promotion

Mass Communication Media and Culture

Principles of Marketing

Effective marketing techniques

Marketing communication Strategies and Planning

Promotion: Integrated Marketing Communication

Marketing Management and Strategic Planning

Marketing Strategy




Retail Management

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Small Business Management

Business Plan Development Guide

Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Human Resource Management

Introduction to Business

Principles of Management

Marketing Management
 Marketing Agent maharashtra, Brand Marketing Supplier maharashtra, Product marketing Staff maharashtra ,
Fieldwork marketing Work maharashtra, retail marketing Agent maharashtra, door to door marketing Agent maharashtra,
local marketing Agent maharashtra, Feet On Street marketing Agentmaharashtra , school Marketing Agent ,
Theater Marketing Agent , hospital Marketing Agent ,
B To B marketing Agent , Flyer Delivery Agent

Marketing Management | Marketing Agent maharashtra

With so many new ways to reach your potential customer, it is essential to protect the integrity of your brand message”


Fulcrum has succeeded over 10 years by continually innovating providing clients with marketing services they need Marketing Management | Marketing Agent maharashtra. Our core work today is very different to that of when we first opened our doors but what has not changed is our commitment to service, creative thinking and generating results.

Direct Marketing
Strategic planning and delivery of targeted direct marketing campaigns to generate a strong ROI

Data consultancy
Creative design and production
Print and digital

Tactical ad solutions or full multi media campaign planning, concept and execution
Print and digital media
Production and delivery to chosen media

Creative Design
From initial concept development through to finished production and delivery

Press, print and digital media
From corporate identity to point of sale

Experiential Marketing
Take your brand to the right people

Real world and virtual (augmented reality)
Exhibitions and shows
Guerrilla activity

Sales Promotion
Plan and execute activity in all channels to achieve tactical marketing objectives

From concept through to delivery and performance analysis
All media

Campaign Delivery
Creative design
On-line and off-line direct marketing channels
In-house studio production
Print buying and distribution logistics

Marketing performance

Marketing performance analysis
Customer value delivered by marketing channels
Cross channel marketing budget allocation
Optimising allocation of multiple brand propositions to individuals
Customer understanding
Propensity modelling
Response and value predictive models for home shoppers
Product affinity segmentation
Impact of contact density on consumer response
Using on-line browsing to predict purchase propensity


About us

Fulcrum is a dynamic, creative agency that specialises in developing and delivering engaging sales promotion, retail merchandise and on-brand promotional products.

From local sourced products to any marketing projects, we partner with leading consumer brands to develop merchandise to support the execution of their global sales and marketing strategies.

we provide our clients with the project management platform required to generate and deliver creative & Inspiring branded merchandise solutions, however simple or complex they may seem.

Through our unique combination of design talent, manufacturing scope, buying power and global distribution expertise, we can provide multi-territory fulfilment of creative products tailored to our clients’ exact requirements.

Marketing Management | Marketing Agent maharashtra

Defining the Business Mission

Defining the Business Mission

A mission statement provides a fundamental building block for the marketing plan, strategy, and communication to consumers.


Recognize the relevance of a mission statement when creating a marketing plan


Key Points

  • The strategies a business will use over a given time period to price, promote, produce, and distribute goods and/or services is called a marketing plan.
  • A strong marketing strategy communicates the vision and mission in a way that differentiates from the competition to achieve a core competency reflective of internal strengths.
  • As a result, a strong mission statement is a key ingredient to a strong marketing strategy. A mission statement acts as a guiding principle as to what the organization does, how it does it, and (most importantly) why.
  • While mission statements are useful in providing direction and structure, they can often be unrealistic and idealistic.
  • Marketing teams should use iterative testing to see how relevant and accurate a given mission is compared to the market needs.

Key Terms

  • mission statement: A declaration of the overall goal or purpose of an organization.

Marketing Plans

A marketing plan describes the broad strategies a business will use over a given time period to price, promote, produce, and distribute goods and/or services. This marketing plan is a key strategic document that must line up cleanly with the other guiding principles of the organization. This includes the vision, mission, competitive environment, core competency, internal culture, and core consumer groups ( target markets ).

A strong marketing plan incorporates each of these key ingredients, creating a strategy that communicates the vision and mission in a way that differentiates from the competition to achieve a core competency reflective of internal strengths. This output should provide unique value that fills key needs for the target market.

The Mission Statement

Among these many inputs is the mission statement. A mission statement is defined as a guiding principle for the organization that describes why the company exists, how it hopes to achieve its objectives, and what those objectives are. Ideally, these three questions should be answered simultaneously in a few key sentences. It should be a statement that the whole organization can agree with, while also supporting a feasible and profitable mechanism of production.


A mission provides a few clear advantages, which explains why they are so common across larger commercial companies. A mission statement provides direction and clear purpose, which can be displayed both internally and externally to create alignment. By displaying publicly what the organization wants to accomplish, the company has a unique opportunity to manage expectations for potential employees and consumers.


On the other end of the spectrum, a clear mission statement can have some drawbacks as well. Most importantly among them is a sense of unrealistic expectation. Whenever a mission is stated on paper clearly and cleanly, there is always the risk that the description of a mission is more powerful than a realistic execution of that mission. For example, a non-profit organization may state that its mission is to provide clean water. In pursuing this goal, the organization may be successful in many ways.

However, there will always be more work to do, more places where water is needed, more pollution, and more obstacles. As the mission of the organization grapples with reality, it often begins to look idealistic or unrealistic. In these situations employees can become demotivated.

Mission and Marketing

While a full assessment of mission statements is unnecessary for this context, what’s important to keep in mind here is that a mission should guide the organization towards realistic and meaningful objectives. Communicating these objectives externally to the broader market is a central goal for the marketing team, and a significant portion of the marketing strategy.

When creating a marketing plan, the first two questions that need to be asked is what the organization is trying to accomplish and why consumers will care. A strong mission should bridge these two considerations perfectly, identifying and communicating to everyone (internal and external) why the organization does what it does. Once this is understood, a marketing plan should iterate on and refine the communication of this concept.

While it is true that the mission statement will play a big role in the initial marketing plan, it’s also worth noting that this is a two way street. Marketers will take the mission statement out into the public, communicating it in various ways to identify exactly what consumers might want and who they describe what they want. This should be an iterative feedback loop, where marketing is promoting a product or service, assessing success, discussing the goods with customers, and providing feedback to other teams. If marketing notices a mismatch between the mission and the consumers, the mission should be adapted accordingly. After all, organizations are justified by being relevant to those who consumer the output of the organization.

A marketing feedback loop - sell the improved product, assess progress (is it selling), ask customers if they like the new product, fix it, improve it, and make changes.

Marketing Feedback Loop: When discussing the broader organizational mission to users through a marketing plan, it’s useful to iterate how and what is said.

Marketing Management
 Marketing Agent maharashtra , Brand Marketing Supplier maharashtra, Product marketing Staff maharashtra ,
Fieldwork marketing Work maharashtra, retail marketing Agent maharashtra, door to door marketing Agent maharashtra,
local marketing Agent maharashtra , Feet On Street marketing Agent maharashtra, school Marketing Agent maharashtra ,
Theater Marketing Agent maharashtra , hospital Marketing Agent maharashtra ,
B To B marketing Agent maharashtra , Flyer Delivery Agent maharashtra

Marketing Management | Marketing Agent maharashtra