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Increasing Sales with Limited Problem Solving

Increasing Sales with Limited Problem Solving

By contrast, consumers with a limited problem solving mindset put in little consideration before arriving at a decision. Because of the minimal time and energy committed to the search, this mindset is most common with the selection and purchase of low-consideration or low-value items. These may also be purchases that have little to no emotional significance. Simply, the consumer is unwilling to over-invest time or effort in a decision that has little importance or where a “bad” decision has no lingering negative effects.

These shoppers don’t need a high level of engagement. Instead, they need to be cued to make a purchase. Thus, advertising, promotion and in-store merchandising can be especially helpful in influencing the decision. Think again about your local grocery store, imagining that you’re walking down the dental care aisle. Each item on-shelf, through its packaging—the images and words, the colors and fonts—is trying to communicate to you a reason to buy. The displays, floor or shelf graphics and special tags are doing the same. And, given the low relative price-point of the items and the low risk of making a mistake in buying the “wrong” product,” shoppers can make purchase decisions with a limited problem solving mindset.

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